Ye ye...Mungkin aku ketinggalan zaman...
Nigahiga uploaded a new video...
Aku baru tahu hari ni. He uploaded yesterday.
It's all his fault! He didn't call me and told me about it :(
Enjoyed it? You didn't?
Miss A - The Ugly Aeroplane
Who else if its not Arifah?
Haha!!! She was talking about bloddy frens and I remembered the chat chat chat I had with Arifah when PJ time today...
Arifah : =.="
Elena : Wait...I'm your friend
Arifah : -LOL-
Elena : Since when I'm bloody???
Arifah : -ROFL-
Arifah & Me : -LMAO!!!-
Stupid conversation =.=" How can I hate myself =.="""
Oh well~~~ hatin you! MUHAHAHAHA
Haha!!! She was talking about bloddy frens and I remembered the chat chat chat I had with Arifah when PJ time today...
Arifah : =.="
Elena : Wait...I'm your friend
Arifah : -LOL-
Elena : Since when I'm bloody???
Arifah : -ROFL-
Arifah & Me : -LMAO!!!-
Stupid conversation =.=" How can I hate myself =.="""
Oh well~~~ hatin you! MUHAHAHAHA
Dis is gonna be a CHICKEN holiday
Aduh! Sekarang kol 1:30. Yeap, aku baru balek =.="
Tadi g kedai seblom bertolak pulang. Dush~~~
Tapi...mak aku kata...nnt ada ayam =D
Aku & Zureen membuka Ayam FC di blog Imran pada bulan Februari...
Tapi aku x lah tergilakan sampai bila ditanya orang, "Ko suka sape?" aku jawab Ayam...
Kalau Zureen laenlah! Zureen, kalau aku tanya sape dia suka, dia jawab "AYAM!!!"
Bengap =.=" Kiterh suka...ayam goreng! Kiterh suka kepak...Zureen suka drumstick.
Aku suka drumstick...tapi kepak sedap...
Walaupun diorang inject kat bahagian kepak ayam, aku tetap suka.
Mungkin tu sbb sedap kowt...ish ish ish...
Cumerh satu bende je aku x suka bahagian kepak =.="
Aku terpaksa tarik tulang yg ada kat tengah2 supaya dpt makan dgn sempurna...
Ayam kampong sedap gak! Tapi keras :(
Ok ok...cukup untuk ayam..kiterh ckp pasal skolah plak ;D
Fire burnin' on the dance floor~~~ ooo woooo!!!
Best lah lagu tu!!! Hihi...
Anyways...aku g skola...sedikit lambat kowt.
Tapi cikgu blom masok. So x dikira lambat la rasanye... ^_^
Hari ni lah yg aku paleng BENCI tudung aku =.=" Longge...
Longge tu Longgar lah!!! Faham2 jolah bahasa aku ni..
Yadda3...tepaksa gak ah masok klas walaupun giler2 longgar >_>
Science Segar Minda...okeyh kowt :D Semakin ku suka blaja ngan Mdm Nita...
-triple dots-
Lps tu...PJ!!! Yeyh yeyh~~~
Ku ke kiri, kau ke kanan !
Ku di belakang, kau di hadapan~~~
Main apa ah? Oh ya! Kitorang main rounders/baseball
Aku x tau apa nk panggel bende tu =.="
Pastu Science again...
Seperti biasa, Mdm Nita memuji kami kerana berbau harum!
Macam bunga tahi ayam =)) Aku pown x tau bau bunga tu. Tak pernah bau pown :P
Minggu dpn buat experiment preservation!!! Aku suka lah keje2 peka nih
Lepas Science...AGAMA!!! Yay!!! Nk buat Amali Solat sbnrnya...
Tapi, smpai surau...teluperh nk buat~~~ hehe
Cat tulisan khat sambel touch-up minggu lalu punyerh painting lagi...
Cat! Bukan Cat yg kuceng...tapi Cat yg paint!!!
Macam biase...ada arh kesan cat kat tangan =.="
Imran maseh berkelakuan WEEEEEE~~~
Dia benar2 dh berjangkit penyakit AYAM Zureen!
Hilarious gilerh =.=" Nyanyi macam...ish ish ish...tokleh bitau...
TERLAMPAU HEBAT!!! =.=""" (Jangan percaya tau!)
Bla3...rehat!!! YES!!! Ada sandwich =D
Kalau ada sandwich jerh...mestey aku beli melebeyh lebeyh :P
Aku makan 3! 2, Zureen blanja...satu aku bayar ^_^
Pandai x aku bodek? Tapi, alek2 kawan2 pown makan =.="
Takyah tuka baju PJ!!! Yay yay... Yg lebeyh best, setiap khamis ada sandwich =D
Menggembirakan :DD
Lepas rehat, agama lagi~~~
Syabas!!! Aku x tetuka kasot ^_^
English time! Lari sekuat yg mungken..takot Miss G marah :(
Masok klas...cikgu relax jerh =.=" Aku blom beli buku Didik lagi...
Ari Isnin jerlah~~~ Korunk jgn luperh ingatkan tau!!!
Script drama English aku blom siapkan...
Takpe...lepas aku buat karangan (post) nih, aku buat =D
Pastu BM!!! Yay~~~ Blaja Bhg. C
Dah abes kat skolah dh~~~!!!
Best ah gak...30 minit rehat sbb Pn. Azlina ada mesyuarat.
Masa balek, ada sorang yg dh WEEEEEE sediket bengong =.="
Imran lerh~~~ siapa agi yg WEEEEE tuuu
Mana tidaknya...bilerh aku 1 step nk kuar dr tempat duduk aku...
Imran : ELENA~~~
Elena : Ye?
Imran : ELENA~~~
Elena : Apa?
Elena : APA!!! D:<
Imran : Nak duet pecah singget
Bengap arh~~~ tu pown nk kecoh =.="
Esok Imran & Maza & Luqman ada skola gama x?
Dushhh---- peneng memikirkan study grup ni...
Susah betol jadik Alien rupenye...
Tadi g kedai seblom bertolak pulang. Dush~~~
Tapi...mak aku kata...nnt ada ayam =D
Aku & Zureen membuka Ayam FC di blog Imran pada bulan Februari...
Tapi aku x lah tergilakan sampai bila ditanya orang, "Ko suka sape?" aku jawab Ayam...
Kalau Zureen laenlah! Zureen, kalau aku tanya sape dia suka, dia jawab "AYAM!!!"
Bengap =.=" Kiterh suka...ayam goreng! Kiterh suka kepak...Zureen suka drumstick.
Aku suka drumstick...tapi kepak sedap...
Walaupun diorang inject kat bahagian kepak ayam, aku tetap suka.
Mungkin tu sbb sedap kowt...ish ish ish...
Cumerh satu bende je aku x suka bahagian kepak =.="
Aku terpaksa tarik tulang yg ada kat tengah2 supaya dpt makan dgn sempurna...
Ayam kampong sedap gak! Tapi keras :(
Ok ok...cukup untuk ayam..kiterh ckp pasal skolah plak ;D
Fire burnin' on the dance floor~~~ ooo woooo!!!
Best lah lagu tu!!! Hihi...
Anyways...aku g skola...sedikit lambat kowt.
Tapi cikgu blom masok. So x dikira lambat la rasanye... ^_^
Hari ni lah yg aku paleng BENCI tudung aku =.=" Longge...
Longge tu Longgar lah!!! Faham2 jolah bahasa aku ni..
Yadda3...tepaksa gak ah masok klas walaupun giler2 longgar >_>
Science Segar Minda...okeyh kowt :D Semakin ku suka blaja ngan Mdm Nita...
-triple dots-
Lps tu...PJ!!! Yeyh yeyh~~~
Ku ke kiri, kau ke kanan !
Ku di belakang, kau di hadapan~~~
Main apa ah? Oh ya! Kitorang main rounders/baseball
Aku x tau apa nk panggel bende tu =.="
Pastu Science again...
Seperti biasa, Mdm Nita memuji kami kerana berbau harum!
Macam bunga tahi ayam =)) Aku pown x tau bau bunga tu. Tak pernah bau pown :P
Minggu dpn buat experiment preservation!!! Aku suka lah keje2 peka nih
Lepas Science...AGAMA!!! Yay!!! Nk buat Amali Solat sbnrnya...
Tapi, smpai surau...teluperh nk buat~~~ hehe
Cat tulisan khat sambel touch-up minggu lalu punyerh painting lagi...
Cat! Bukan Cat yg kuceng...tapi Cat yg paint!!!
Macam biase...ada arh kesan cat kat tangan =.="
Imran maseh berkelakuan WEEEEEE~~~
Dia benar2 dh berjangkit penyakit AYAM Zureen!
Hilarious gilerh =.=" Nyanyi macam...ish ish ish...tokleh bitau...
TERLAMPAU HEBAT!!! =.=""" (Jangan percaya tau!)
Bla3...rehat!!! YES!!! Ada sandwich =D
Kalau ada sandwich jerh...mestey aku beli melebeyh lebeyh :P
Aku makan 3! 2, Zureen blanja...satu aku bayar ^_^
Pandai x aku bodek? Tapi, alek2 kawan2 pown makan =.="
Takyah tuka baju PJ!!! Yay yay... Yg lebeyh best, setiap khamis ada sandwich =D
Menggembirakan :DD
Lepas rehat, agama lagi~~~
Syabas!!! Aku x tetuka kasot ^_^
English time! Lari sekuat yg mungken..takot Miss G marah :(
Masok klas...cikgu relax jerh =.=" Aku blom beli buku Didik lagi...
Ari Isnin jerlah~~~ Korunk jgn luperh ingatkan tau!!!
Script drama English aku blom siapkan...
Takpe...lepas aku buat karangan (post) nih, aku buat =D
Pastu BM!!! Yay~~~ Blaja Bhg. C
Dah abes kat skolah dh~~~!!!
Best ah gak...30 minit rehat sbb Pn. Azlina ada mesyuarat.
Masa balek, ada sorang yg dh WEEEEEE sediket bengong =.="
Imran lerh~~~ siapa agi yg WEEEEE tuuu
Mana tidaknya...bilerh aku 1 step nk kuar dr tempat duduk aku...
Imran : ELENA~~~
Elena : Ye?
Imran : ELENA~~~
Elena : Apa?
Elena : APA!!! D:<
Imran : Nak duet pecah singget
Bengap arh~~~ tu pown nk kecoh =.="
Esok Imran & Maza & Luqman ada skola gama x?
Dushhh---- peneng memikirkan study grup ni...
Susah betol jadik Alien rupenye...
Oh Em Gee...
Sweaty! Sweaty! Sweaty!!!
Aaaaa!!! Koko was school period andddd sweaty too
=.=" One step out of the school and "Aunty Mas...ais-krim bandong ada?"
Like usual...after koko mesti nk bandong.
Tapi ada pencuri yg bernama Siti Mazarina makan ais-krim tu dulu T_T
Naseb baek aku bukan dlm mood untuk sekeh kpl dia =.="
Aku pon capai ais-krim nenas and walk away~~~
Eh tak...Maza memberikan beban dulu kat aku baru aku blah.
Dia suruh aku simpan sume makanan yg tinggal slps menjual...
Haih~~~ Tapi aku gembire gak...Dapat pegang duit skali.
Seblom g skola setiap hari...pandang duit bertimbun tu dulu...
=)) Tapi janganla sampai curi =.="
Ambik sumer barang...baru aku g kat mak aku and naek keta!!!
Radio dipasang and air-cond dibuka sesejuk yg mungkin.
Ahhh~~~ Mmg menyejukkan. Balek rumah, teros mandi.
Dan skarang...menaip dlm laptop ayah aku di dalam bilik kakak aku xD
Air-conditioner dibuka pada suhu 16...
Bilik aku x de air-cond. Cumer ada kipas yg dh cooling bagi aku.
Tapi...air-cond lagi cool =))
Aku sampai skolah...
Org pertama aku jumpa Marshiela sbb dia menjerit macam gajah gila. Tidak...lebeyh terok dari tu =.=" Kedua...Syafiqah, Maza ngan Intan.
Jalan punyalah jalan akhirnya Syahira sampai.
Lepas Syahirah sampai...Arifah plak >_>
Si Arifah dtg bukannya naik aeroplane dowh!
Pot pet pot pet...aku, Arifah, Maza, Syahira ngan Syafiqah g kat jambatan Pulau Pinang.
Eh! Silap...jambatan kat kolam tu. Alarh! Yg kat kantin tu...
G sana...Syafiqah 'kostan' (reverse) balek. Ada org dia suka kat situ =.="
Paksa gak!!! Tak menjadi. Akhirnya, budak laki tu blah. Kitorang pown naik. Tapi turun selepas 10 saat! Yes, I counted.
Syafiqah sewel sikit...Aku ckp kat Arifah...
Arifah! Ko berlemak...kasik aku sikit!!! Aku kurus T_T (Ini bukan sindiran)
Syafiqah plak kata kat Syahira..."Syahira!!! Elena kata ko berlemak"
Mampoi aku...naseb baek x dikarate! Kalo won't have a chance to say hi to me anymore...
Pastu dari situlah bermulanya glak ketawa!!! Kejar mengejar sbb mengejek Syahira dn menjadi kurang ajar.
Aku ngan Arifah baek tau...kita pandang je! Tapi dlm diam...ada ah gak sindiran =))
Ehehehe...pastu g kat kolam yg x berair tu. Syahira ceritakan yg Hadi ada jatoh kat situ skali...
And kitorang start ...
Maza : HADI jatuh kat mana Syahira?
Syahira : HADI jatuh kat sana
Elena : HADI datang kol bape, Syahira?
Syafiqah : Dia datang lagi awal...
Semua : >_>
Syafiqah plak mengganas...
Aku tak tau apa yg menghantui dia sampai dia baleng beg kat sume org =.="
Aku, seperti biasa...menjadi mangsa tamparan...
Syahira plak dipukul mcm dipukul oleh Helga...
Memang susah menjadi remaja yg cantik kalau sentiasa ditampar =.=" Aku tahu lah pipi aku ni SEDIKIT gebu...tapi, no. Please don't slap meh...Aku tidak memerlu kesan tapak tangan utk membuatkan wajahku lebih berseri...
Sedikit sapuan Loreal di wajah sudah memadaikan...
Pastu adalah gak kitorang bercerita ttg ayam dn itik =))
Zureen...kesian ko x dtg!!!
Pendek kata...mmg best la!!!
Pastu Usahawan Muda...
En. Shaheezam tengok makanan kitorang...
Cikgu : Gula ni bape?
Maza : 20 sen, cikgu
Cikgu : Wah. Murahnya
Elena : A ah...Utk cikgu, kami kurangkan. 2 ringgit =D
Cikgu : Coklat ni bape?
Farisyah : 50 sen
Elena : Untuk cikgu, kita beri diskaun. 2 ringgit 50 sen SAHAJA
LMAO!!! Sume naik =))
Jual2..dpt ah 10 ringgit lebeyh.
2 minggu dpn...kitorang akan jual air ngan ais-krim.
Dalam diam...minom jelah air tu =)
So...korang jgn lupa beli dr kitorang eh?
Aku bawak...ntah..
Lychee...or Lemonade. Ribena tidak boleh sama sekali dijual kerana Ribena terlebeyh mahal ;D
Tapi...air kosong paleng laku cikgu cakap.
Mmg pown! Sbb...air kosong paleng menyegarkan dn dpt menghilang rasa dahaga!!!
Air tu one of my favourite gak!!!
Hihi...jadi, kepada sesiapa yg menggilakan air...especially Imran...& Farid andddd lots and lots of people...
Tunggulah kami 2 minggu lagi. Oi!!! BELI DARI KITORANG TAU!!!
Kami jamin...harga runtuh =D
Bla3...kitorang terokai blok A, B, C, D
Hadi kurang ajar =.=" Aku x kan bitau korang apa dia ckp =.="
Tak patut ........ suka dia! Tapi diorang cute cuple...ahahahahha!!!
Cuz you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said, stay away from Juliet
Lepas Usahawan Muda apa ah?
Oh yeah!!!
Aku group dgn Pn. Vimala...
Partner ngan Vanessa.
Like usual I TOTALLY SUCK at surf-ing =.="
I throw it upwards...not forward.
And if I manage to get it'll go side-ward =.="
Haih~~~ I had fun though, with Nessa =D
Woohoo!!! Jumping here jumping there and sweating like...I DUNNO!
Go home time....ohhhh great. Finally!!!
You wanna know what happen? Read the top of the post again =.=
K larh!!! I wanna do my homeworks and I have to handle the script for English!!!
Another drama working?
Darn it...
Aaaaa!!! Koko was school period andddd sweaty too
=.=" One step out of the school and "Aunty Mas...ais-krim bandong ada?"
Like usual...after koko mesti nk bandong.
Tapi ada pencuri yg bernama Siti Mazarina makan ais-krim tu dulu T_T
Naseb baek aku bukan dlm mood untuk sekeh kpl dia =.="
Aku pon capai ais-krim nenas and walk away~~~
Eh tak...Maza memberikan beban dulu kat aku baru aku blah.
Dia suruh aku simpan sume makanan yg tinggal slps menjual...
Haih~~~ Tapi aku gembire gak...Dapat pegang duit skali.
Seblom g skola setiap hari...pandang duit bertimbun tu dulu...
=)) Tapi janganla sampai curi =.="
Ambik sumer barang...baru aku g kat mak aku and naek keta!!!
Radio dipasang and air-cond dibuka sesejuk yg mungkin.
Ahhh~~~ Mmg menyejukkan. Balek rumah, teros mandi.
Dan skarang...menaip dlm laptop ayah aku di dalam bilik kakak aku xD
Air-conditioner dibuka pada suhu 16...
Bilik aku x de air-cond. Cumer ada kipas yg dh cooling bagi aku.
Tapi...air-cond lagi cool =))
Aku sampai skolah...
Org pertama aku jumpa Marshiela sbb dia menjerit macam gajah gila. Tidak...lebeyh terok dari tu =.=" Kedua...Syafiqah, Maza ngan Intan.
Jalan punyalah jalan akhirnya Syahira sampai.
Lepas Syahirah sampai...Arifah plak >_>
Si Arifah dtg bukannya naik aeroplane dowh!
Pot pet pot pet...aku, Arifah, Maza, Syahira ngan Syafiqah g kat jambatan Pulau Pinang.
Eh! Silap...jambatan kat kolam tu. Alarh! Yg kat kantin tu...
G sana...Syafiqah 'kostan' (reverse) balek. Ada org dia suka kat situ =.="
Paksa gak!!! Tak menjadi. Akhirnya, budak laki tu blah. Kitorang pown naik. Tapi turun selepas 10 saat! Yes, I counted.
Syafiqah sewel sikit...Aku ckp kat Arifah...
Arifah! Ko berlemak...kasik aku sikit!!! Aku kurus T_T (Ini bukan sindiran)
Syafiqah plak kata kat Syahira..."Syahira!!! Elena kata ko berlemak"
Mampoi aku...naseb baek x dikarate! Kalo won't have a chance to say hi to me anymore...
Pastu dari situlah bermulanya glak ketawa!!! Kejar mengejar sbb mengejek Syahira dn menjadi kurang ajar.
Aku ngan Arifah baek tau...kita pandang je! Tapi dlm diam...ada ah gak sindiran =))
Ehehehe...pastu g kat kolam yg x berair tu. Syahira ceritakan yg Hadi ada jatoh kat situ skali...
And kitorang start ...
Maza : HADI jatuh kat mana Syahira?
Syahira : HADI jatuh kat sana
Elena : HADI datang kol bape, Syahira?
Syafiqah : Dia datang lagi awal...
Semua : >_>
Syafiqah plak mengganas...
Aku tak tau apa yg menghantui dia sampai dia baleng beg kat sume org =.="
Aku, seperti biasa...menjadi mangsa tamparan...
Syahira plak dipukul mcm dipukul oleh Helga...
Memang susah menjadi remaja yg cantik kalau sentiasa ditampar =.=" Aku tahu lah pipi aku ni SEDIKIT gebu...tapi, no. Please don't slap meh...Aku tidak memerlu kesan tapak tangan utk membuatkan wajahku lebih berseri...
Sedikit sapuan Loreal di wajah sudah memadaikan...
Pastu adalah gak kitorang bercerita ttg ayam dn itik =))
Zureen...kesian ko x dtg!!!
Pendek kata...mmg best la!!!
Pastu Usahawan Muda...
En. Shaheezam tengok makanan kitorang...
Cikgu : Gula ni bape?
Maza : 20 sen, cikgu
Cikgu : Wah. Murahnya
Elena : A ah...Utk cikgu, kami kurangkan. 2 ringgit =D
Cikgu : Coklat ni bape?
Farisyah : 50 sen
Elena : Untuk cikgu, kita beri diskaun. 2 ringgit 50 sen SAHAJA
LMAO!!! Sume naik =))
Jual2..dpt ah 10 ringgit lebeyh.
2 minggu dpn...kitorang akan jual air ngan ais-krim.
Dalam diam...minom jelah air tu =)
So...korang jgn lupa beli dr kitorang eh?
Aku bawak...ntah..
Lychee...or Lemonade. Ribena tidak boleh sama sekali dijual kerana Ribena terlebeyh mahal ;D
Tapi...air kosong paleng laku cikgu cakap.
Mmg pown! Sbb...air kosong paleng menyegarkan dn dpt menghilang rasa dahaga!!!
Air tu one of my favourite gak!!!
Hihi...jadi, kepada sesiapa yg menggilakan air...especially Imran...& Farid andddd lots and lots of people...
Tunggulah kami 2 minggu lagi. Oi!!! BELI DARI KITORANG TAU!!!
Kami jamin...harga runtuh =D
Bla3...kitorang terokai blok A, B, C, D
Hadi kurang ajar =.=" Aku x kan bitau korang apa dia ckp =.="
Tak patut ........ suka dia! Tapi diorang cute cuple...ahahahahha!!!
Cuz you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said, stay away from Juliet
Lepas Usahawan Muda apa ah?
Oh yeah!!!
Aku group dgn Pn. Vimala...
Partner ngan Vanessa.
Like usual I TOTALLY SUCK at surf-ing =.="
I throw it upwards...not forward.
And if I manage to get it'll go side-ward =.="
Haih~~~ I had fun though, with Nessa =D
Woohoo!!! Jumping here jumping there and sweating like...I DUNNO!
Go home time....ohhhh great. Finally!!!
You wanna know what happen? Read the top of the post again =.=
K larh!!! I wanna do my homeworks and I have to handle the script for English!!!
Another drama working?
Darn it...
Ari ni best!!!
Dan panas =.="
BM klkr!!
Shaqeel x buat keje...
Kata suke BM =.=" Suka sangat lah KONON
Tergelak sini, tergelak sana =))
Maths paleng banyak gelak! Entah apa yg klakar, gelak jerh kitorang (The 3 frens lah) xD
Pastu ada arh En. Zaidi kasik borang g Melaka!
Aku smpt ambik~~~ Woohoo!!! Nk g!!!
Mak aku kata "Tanya Papa"
Aku rasa mestey ayah aku kasik =D Knp? Sbb...ntah!!!
Ada yg x dpt...x pe x pe! Aku photostate utk korang!!!
Pas2 cikgu ada ckp yg GB ada cdg nk buat lawatan luar negara
Aku? Mesti mak & ayah aku x kasik :(
Tapi tapi tapi...Kalau bleyh, nk g hawaii!!!
Elena : Weyh!!! Kalau bleyh kan...aku nk g Hawaii!!!
Zureen : Ahakzz!!! Bleyh jumpa swami sendiri =))
Arifah : ROFL
Elena : My name is Dr. Hanatewakusoshiseohondacivic
Arifah : LMAO
Elena : Belateh nk jumpa Ryan =))
Pastu masa Sains...sambong experiment.
Bukak tin. Aku check...Kacang panjang aku disappear T_T
Tinggal plastik jerr ;D
Cover line, cover line...itu yg aku ngan Fiqah sebok ckp =))
Tak tahu ah kenapa!!! Ada larhhh~~~ private and confidential
teehee!!! Balek klas, ada arh satu part nih, Mdm Nita kata Miss Wong and Mr Wong
Satu klas "oooooooo" >_>
Zureen : Weyh! Wong Wei Zheng...jgn main2 weyh. Arifah cemburu
Arifah : Mana ade!!!
Elena : LMAO!!!
Yeap! Kitorang ejek Arifah suke Wong =))
Jap! Nak dgr lagu "Cow yg bawaku terbang"
Hehehe...hari ni hyper. Seminggu ni...apa2 botol/air yg terletak di hadapanku...dlm 3-4 tegok...habes =.="
Dahaga!!! Tapi...gelojoh sangat pown tokleh kan? Adat x elok! Hehe
Asyek hehe ngan haha je...
Hihi mana? Kesian hihi tu =))
Pastu aku ngan Arifah ada arh tiru gaya Ryan..
Arifah : =.=" Say my name say my name...
Elena : Why should I say your name?
Arifah : I don't even know your name. I know your mother's name! Destiny
Hadoiii~~~ Tergelak je keje =.="
Jgn banyak gelak...nnt ilmu lari..
Tapi aku tokleh tahan diri drpd gelak kalau ada bende yg mengelakarkan (perkataan apa tu?)
Tak faham apa maksod mengelakarkan? Yg tu direka oleh N.E
Kata dasarnya = Kelakar
Sori...tergila sebentar...
Nnt koko! Oh yeah~~~ ahak
That's the way aha aha I like it...
ADOI! Kaki terlanggar meja T_T
Usahawan Muda...
kene jual makanan...
I wanna sell foods rite na na na
Silap hari silap bulan...bukannya aku jual makanan tu..
Makan je tros =.="
Sekian je lah aku ber-hyper dlm blog setakat ini.
Nanti aku sambong ye? Farewell!!!
Dan panas =.="
BM klkr!!
Shaqeel x buat keje...
Kata suke BM =.=" Suka sangat lah KONON
Tergelak sini, tergelak sana =))
Maths paleng banyak gelak! Entah apa yg klakar, gelak jerh kitorang (The 3 frens lah) xD
Pastu ada arh En. Zaidi kasik borang g Melaka!
Aku smpt ambik~~~ Woohoo!!! Nk g!!!
Mak aku kata "Tanya Papa"
Aku rasa mestey ayah aku kasik =D Knp? Sbb...ntah!!!
Ada yg x dpt...x pe x pe! Aku photostate utk korang!!!
Pas2 cikgu ada ckp yg GB ada cdg nk buat lawatan luar negara
Aku? Mesti mak & ayah aku x kasik :(
Tapi tapi tapi...Kalau bleyh, nk g hawaii!!!
Elena : Weyh!!! Kalau bleyh kan...aku nk g Hawaii!!!
Zureen : Ahakzz!!! Bleyh jumpa swami sendiri =))
Arifah : ROFL
Elena : My name is Dr. Hanatewakusoshiseohondacivic
Arifah : LMAO
Elena : Belateh nk jumpa Ryan =))
Pastu masa Sains...sambong experiment.
Bukak tin. Aku check...Kacang panjang aku disappear T_T
Tinggal plastik jerr ;D
Cover line, cover line...itu yg aku ngan Fiqah sebok ckp =))
Tak tahu ah kenapa!!! Ada larhhh~~~ private and confidential
teehee!!! Balek klas, ada arh satu part nih, Mdm Nita kata Miss Wong and Mr Wong
Satu klas "oooooooo" >_>
Zureen : Weyh! Wong Wei Zheng...jgn main2 weyh. Arifah cemburu
Arifah : Mana ade!!!
Elena : LMAO!!!
Yeap! Kitorang ejek Arifah suke Wong =))
Jap! Nak dgr lagu "Cow yg bawaku terbang"
Hehehe...hari ni hyper. Seminggu ni...apa2 botol/air yg terletak di hadapanku...dlm 3-4 tegok...habes =.="
Dahaga!!! Tapi...gelojoh sangat pown tokleh kan? Adat x elok! Hehe
Asyek hehe ngan haha je...
Hihi mana? Kesian hihi tu =))
Pastu aku ngan Arifah ada arh tiru gaya Ryan..
Arifah : =.=" Say my name say my name...
Elena : Why should I say your name?
Arifah : I don't even know your name. I know your mother's name! Destiny
Hadoiii~~~ Tergelak je keje =.="
Jgn banyak gelak...nnt ilmu lari..
Tapi aku tokleh tahan diri drpd gelak kalau ada bende yg mengelakarkan (perkataan apa tu?)
Tak faham apa maksod mengelakarkan? Yg tu direka oleh N.E
Kata dasarnya = Kelakar
Sori...tergila sebentar...
Nnt koko! Oh yeah~~~ ahak
That's the way aha aha I like it...
ADOI! Kaki terlanggar meja T_T
Usahawan Muda...
kene jual makanan...
I wanna sell foods rite na na na
Silap hari silap bulan...bukannya aku jual makanan tu..
Makan je tros =.="
Sekian je lah aku ber-hyper dlm blog setakat ini.
Nanti aku sambong ye? Farewell!!!
Pn. Aiza
I miss her so damn much!!!
Just chatted with her for a while just now.
She's good. Here's her e-mail if you all still dunno what's hers..
She's quite busy like a bee eh?
T_T Nevermind...teachers are always busy...right? right? right?
That's why teacher is not in my ambition list =.="
Oh well...bye! continue chatting with Pn. Aiza :D
Tata!!! Sweet dinner...
5 minutes to 8pm =D
Just chatted with her for a while just now.
She's good. Here's her e-mail if you all still dunno what's hers..
She's quite busy like a bee eh?
T_T Nevermind...teachers are always busy...right? right? right?
That's why teacher is not in my ambition list =.="
Oh well...bye! continue chatting with Pn. Aiza :D
Tata!!! Sweet dinner...
5 minutes to 8pm =D
Yum.. Yum..
Aku ngah makan kismis! Sedap!!!
Membuatkan aku muhahahahahah!!! =___="
Baru abis Lemonade... Lemonade aku tinggal 1/4 je lagi.
Malam/esok habes ah tuuu =.="
Cheezels! Sume bende nk habes =.="
Duet habes! Air habes! Kismis habes! Kopok habes!!!
Apa yg x habes habes lagi ni?
Tadi aku nyanyi lagu Muzik utk sesaja (lagu boring)
Suke part kari ayam, asam laksa ngan sambal blacan...
eh...kari ikan pown sdp...
masalodeh, kuih, ni, tu, ni, tu!!!
Sumerh sedap!!! Cili Padi pown sdp =D
Aku suke makan kat court cili padi yg ada kat carrefour tu :D
Makanan dia dlm satu wok tu banyak!
Cili padi pown pedas =D Aku suka makan Salted Fish Fried Rice...
Nak tahu kenapa? Aaaaaa... Lu Pikir La Sendiri!!!
Tadi aku tido...tahu bape minit? 10 jew >_>
Tak slesa lah tido time2 skarang! Panas!!!
Kipas aku pown nk terjatoh dari siling dh! Aku bukak FULL BLAST tuuu
Harap2 malam kang...x de gempa kipas..
Ye! Ye! Homework kiterh dh siap!!!
Alamak :( Tadi aku ter-miss tengok satu citerh indon nih!!!
Huahhhh T_T
P/S - Bawang Merah Bawang Putih versi LELAKI x ori & x best sangat dowh...
Aku dh semakin suka Astro Aruna ngan Astro Oasis =P
Oh! A refill of raisins =))
K lah~~~ bye!!!
Membuatkan aku muhahahahahah!!! =___="
Baru abis Lemonade... Lemonade aku tinggal 1/4 je lagi.
Malam/esok habes ah tuuu =.="
Cheezels! Sume bende nk habes =.="
Duet habes! Air habes! Kismis habes! Kopok habes!!!
Apa yg x habes habes lagi ni?
Tadi aku nyanyi lagu Muzik utk sesaja (lagu boring)
Suke part kari ayam, asam laksa ngan sambal blacan...
eh...kari ikan pown sdp...
masalodeh, kuih, ni, tu, ni, tu!!!
Sumerh sedap!!! Cili Padi pown sdp =D
Aku suke makan kat court cili padi yg ada kat carrefour tu :D
Makanan dia dlm satu wok tu banyak!
Cili padi pown pedas =D Aku suka makan Salted Fish Fried Rice...
Nak tahu kenapa? Aaaaaa... Lu Pikir La Sendiri!!!
Tadi aku tido...tahu bape minit? 10 jew >_>
Tak slesa lah tido time2 skarang! Panas!!!
Kipas aku pown nk terjatoh dari siling dh! Aku bukak FULL BLAST tuuu
Harap2 malam kang...x de gempa kipas..
Ye! Ye! Homework kiterh dh siap!!!
Alamak :( Tadi aku ter-miss tengok satu citerh indon nih!!!
Huahhhh T_T
P/S - Bawang Merah Bawang Putih versi LELAKI x ori & x best sangat dowh...
Aku dh semakin suka Astro Aruna ngan Astro Oasis =P
Oh! A refill of raisins =))
K lah~~~ bye!!!
Lagi kurus?
Aduh! Hari ni banyak berpeluh...banyak gelak...banyak buat keje...
Nampaknya aku semakin kurus :(
Haduh!!! Da lah hari ni naseb aku sedikit malang =.="
Bila rehat...aku ngan Syafiqah nk duduk kat kerusi oren...
Aku x nk kasik dia dudok (jahat :D)...jadi aku lari anddddd
Naseb baek aku landing betol2 atas kusi...ROFL!!!
Tu ah...berebot agi =))
Lepas dh makan + chat chat...
Aku, Zureen, Syahira ngan Syafiqah nak Maggi pedas Maza =D Bercili padi (I LIKE!)
Syafiqah : Nak Maza!!!
Aku ngan Zureen : Ko nak Maza???
Semua : -gelak-
Pastu Zureen plak "Ko nak Maza buat apa???"
Pastu kitorang...
Aku, Syahira, Syafiqah & Maza : AMBOI!!! MULOT~~~ JAGA!!!
Hehe...kitorang dh mmg gang up dh nk gunakan motto tu =P
Anak Mami plak x ku jumpa hari ni =D
Korang x faham? X pe...x yah hal kitorang =))
Just kidding!!!...but seriously
Pastu lepas makan, lepas aku jaga blok......
Aku, Syahira & Fiqah ngah nak hafal Pafa...
Pastu ada arhhh...bende yg kiterh gosip =P (maklumla...pompuan =D)...
pastu tertolak sini...tertolak sana... =.=" Lagi skali aku tergelincir..
Naseb baik x terseliuh =.="""
Bila BM plak...aku nk g blakang sbb nk tampal kertas.
Aku nak cepat sangat...kaki aku tersangkut sikit kat kasut Dhivya...
=.=" aaaa...
Tu yg aku ckp =)) Naseb baik lagi x jatuh =)
Air plak habes...
Ais-krim habes..
K larh~~~ dh malas nk update! =P
Semalam dh lh aku BERIKRAR x nak guna pc hari ni sbb aku tahu hari ni ada banyak keje!
WOOHOO!! Jadi...aku on lah pc =D
Menunggu Amelia ngan Nayly utk on...
Miss G suroh tanya diorang pasal award apa entah
Tapi aku x tau diorang dpt bape A..
Tapi mesti diorang markah tinggi..
Note to Shaqeeeel if you are even reading this blog >>>
Bocor rahsia dia...aku bocor rahsia ko =D
Nampaknya aku semakin kurus :(
Haduh!!! Da lah hari ni naseb aku sedikit malang =.="
Bila rehat...aku ngan Syafiqah nk duduk kat kerusi oren...
Aku x nk kasik dia dudok (jahat :D)...jadi aku lari anddddd
Naseb baek aku landing betol2 atas kusi...ROFL!!!
Tu ah...berebot agi =))
Lepas dh makan + chat chat...
Aku, Zureen, Syahira ngan Syafiqah nak Maggi pedas Maza =D Bercili padi (I LIKE!)
Syafiqah : Nak Maza!!!
Aku ngan Zureen : Ko nak Maza???
Semua : -gelak-
Pastu Zureen plak "Ko nak Maza buat apa???"
Pastu kitorang...
Aku, Syahira, Syafiqah & Maza : AMBOI!!! MULOT~~~ JAGA!!!
Hehe...kitorang dh mmg gang up dh nk gunakan motto tu =P
Anak Mami plak x ku jumpa hari ni =D
Korang x faham? X pe...x yah hal kitorang =))
Just kidding!!!...but seriously
Pastu lepas makan, lepas aku jaga blok......
Aku, Syahira & Fiqah ngah nak hafal Pafa...
Pastu ada arhhh...bende yg kiterh gosip =P (maklumla...pompuan =D)...
pastu tertolak sini...tertolak sana... =.=" Lagi skali aku tergelincir..
Naseb baik x terseliuh =.="""
Bila BM plak...aku nk g blakang sbb nk tampal kertas.
Aku nak cepat sangat...kaki aku tersangkut sikit kat kasut Dhivya...
=.=" aaaa...
Tu yg aku ckp =)) Naseb baik lagi x jatuh =)
Air plak habes...
Ais-krim habes..
K larh~~~ dh malas nk update! =P
Semalam dh lh aku BERIKRAR x nak guna pc hari ni sbb aku tahu hari ni ada banyak keje!
WOOHOO!! Jadi...aku on lah pc =D
Menunggu Amelia ngan Nayly utk on...
Miss G suroh tanya diorang pasal award apa entah
Tapi aku x tau diorang dpt bape A..
Tapi mesti diorang markah tinggi..
Note to Shaqeeeel if you are even reading this blog >>>
Bocor rahsia dia...aku bocor rahsia ko =D
Just Dance + Pokerface
Addicted to Puberty Bob and Kidz Bob!!! =))
Just dance sengau dowh =P Best!!!
Pokerface...mengggggigggillll =D
Po po po po pokerface =D
Tadi g rumah athirah.
Aku ckp po po po po pokerface sorang2 and dia kata "Woi! Bateri dah habes ke ko ni?"
Aku plak reply "Sejak bila aku jadik robot?"
Woohoo!!! Ryan~~~~ I love you!
Old right lah guys.
Aku on pown skjp je nk update ni sbb terlampau bosan.
Aku nk buat homework yg berlambak!
Kan best kalau ada 'Klon Nur Elena 2009' instead of 'Klon UPSR 2009' utk menolong aku buat keje...
Fikiran berserabut =.=" Rambot pown berserabot...
Baru bangon tido =)
K arh~~~ Bye bye...
Just dance sengau dowh =P Best!!!
Pokerface...mengggggigggillll =D
Po po po po pokerface =D
Tadi g rumah athirah.
Aku ckp po po po po pokerface sorang2 and dia kata "Woi! Bateri dah habes ke ko ni?"
Aku plak reply "Sejak bila aku jadik robot?"
Woohoo!!! Ryan~~~~ I love you!
Old right lah guys.
Aku on pown skjp je nk update ni sbb terlampau bosan.
Aku nk buat homework yg berlambak!
Kan best kalau ada 'Klon Nur Elena 2009' instead of 'Klon UPSR 2009' utk menolong aku buat keje...
Fikiran berserabut =.=" Rambot pown berserabot...
Baru bangon tido =)
K arh~~~ Bye bye...
Alamak! Alamak! Alamak!
Aku ada masalah kritikal!!!
Homework melebeyh! Lychee tinggal setengah gelas! Ayam tinggal seketol!!!
English...aku termula soalan dari nombor 1...spttnya dari nombor 30+
Alarh~~~ Aku betol2 harap Miss G x marah :(
Oh ya! En. Shaheezam marah kitorang tadi :(
Sorry ~~~ T_T
Kaki aku pown terseliuh bilerh nk cpt2 kuar :O_O:
AKU KENE BUAT!!! Tu lah! X nk habes homework awl2 =.=" Apa lah aku ni!!!
Seni pown blom habes...Nama alien aku Fawntanilla =D
Best x nama tu ? xD xD xD
Nota!!! Nota!!! Nota!!!
*Zureen tuka blog >>>
*Hari ni hari jadi Aisya!!!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Aisya!!!!
Happy birthday to YOU!!!
Happy birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You smell like a monkey...
Anddddd you look like one too!!!
Oh well...gtg gtg gtg!!!
bye! bye! bye!!!
Aku ada masalah kritikal!!!
Homework melebeyh! Lychee tinggal setengah gelas! Ayam tinggal seketol!!!
English...aku termula soalan dari nombor 1...spttnya dari nombor 30+
Alarh~~~ Aku betol2 harap Miss G x marah :(
Oh ya! En. Shaheezam marah kitorang tadi :(
Sorry ~~~ T_T
Kaki aku pown terseliuh bilerh nk cpt2 kuar :O_O:
AKU KENE BUAT!!! Tu lah! X nk habes homework awl2 =.=" Apa lah aku ni!!!
Seni pown blom habes...Nama alien aku Fawntanilla =D
Best x nama tu ? xD xD xD
Nota!!! Nota!!! Nota!!!
*Zureen tuka blog >>>
*Hari ni hari jadi Aisya!!!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Aisya!!!!
Happy birthday to YOU!!!
Happy birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You smell like a monkey...
Anddddd you look like one too!!!
Oh well...gtg gtg gtg!!!
bye! bye! bye!!!
I'm sure most of you are asking "Why didn't you update yesterday" and "Why aren't you online yesterday" cause 5 of my friends already asked me that =.="
Number 1...
Don't believe, ask Aisya!!! I told her I was updating yesterday at 5:05!!! somehow doesn't appear in your computer eh?
It appeared in mine though! Try refreshing gazillion of times.
Number 2...
From 5:00 to 6:00 oni lah..
At six...I get sleepy and tired and...I accidently front of the computer...
Dad switched off the pc for meh...
and...I just woke up an hour ago...
Now is 7:30...
After I prayed at 6:30 just now..
Mom : Penat ke
Elena : ???
Elena : Ena tido kol bape semalam?
Mom : 6...
Elena : O____O
Yes, I did not eat dinner since I "Mati Katak" yesterday >_>
***Aril keluar, AF7, semalam... ... ... ...
***Search for my yesterday's post everywhere!!!
I'm sure most of you are asking "Why didn't you update yesterday" and "Why aren't you online yesterday" cause 5 of my friends already asked me that =.="
Number 1...
Don't believe, ask Aisya!!! I told her I was updating yesterday at 5:05!!! somehow doesn't appear in your computer eh?
It appeared in mine though! Try refreshing gazillion of times.
Number 2...
From 5:00 to 6:00 oni lah..
At six...I get sleepy and tired and...I accidently front of the computer...
Dad switched off the pc for meh...
and...I just woke up an hour ago...
Now is 7:30...
After I prayed at 6:30 just now..
Mom : Penat ke
Elena : ???
Elena : Ena tido kol bape semalam?
Mom : 6...
Elena : O____O
Yes, I did not eat dinner since I "Mati Katak" yesterday >_>
***Aril keluar, AF7, semalam... ... ... ...
***Search for my yesterday's post everywhere!!!
Hi! Skarang 5:05 and aku baru lepas mandi + baru balek dr kem muhibah.
Seriously, FUN!!! Tapi ada sesuatu yg aku paleng geram =.="
Aku pegi Kem semalam, bawak 2 beg...
Hari ini membawa pulang bonus =.=" 3 beg!
Tuala plak asyek tertukar @_@ Peneng! Tak tau mana satu aku punyer.
Pastu nak g tandas...Masya Allah~~~ Teramat indah pabila mataku memandang barisan yg amat panjang itu >_>
Anyways...I MISS INTERNET 100%!!!
T_T But...x de computer pown x pe xD
Hehe...I miss you oso mahhhh~~~ miss me ah?
xD xD xD LMAO!!!
Just kidding!!! Since I didn't wrote in my blog for 22 hours...
I'm gonna lecture around =)) Just Kidding =P
Just wanna talk bout' kem muhibah this two days =D
2:30 - comes to school
3:00 - mendaftarkan diri
3:30 - lepak di tepi padang sambil makan ice-cream Aunty Maz.
P/S - Kitorang dpt ice cream tu sbb kitorang jerit "Aunty Maz!!! Nak Ice-cream!!!" dari padang.....
4:00 - Bina khemah
4:30 - Solat Asar
5:00 - Mandi
7:05 - Solat Maghrib
8:00 - Makan malam
+ Sedap!!! Rugi x makan =P
8:30 - Solat Isya'
9:00 - Persembahan!!!
+Diadakan di dewan
+Kumpulan aku nyanyi lagu Gemuruh. Memandangkan banyak tahu lagu ni, diorang nyanyi gak.
+ Suara aku ter-maintain.
+Persembahan shuffle best! (Hafizi & Fadhli rocks!)
+I'm proud of our stupid performance!
+Most of the students know this song so...they sing a long!!! =D
11:00 - Supper time!!! Have Milo...good for you, Arifah
11:15 - Back in tent
Kitorang kemas khemah and everything..then...
Pizza time!!! ____ bought 3 medium sized pizza.
We thought we couldn't finish it, so we gave 1 to Marshiela's group.
Aku sempat remind Marshiela "Jangan lupa kasik Arifah" =))
Oh yeah! My group :-
-Nur Elena
-Nur Tasnim
-Nursyafiqah Faqihah
I love bullying Faqihah =)
Oh 12, we had to close lights and sleep.
We did...tapi yg lain maseh main kat luar!
So...kitorang (aku, maza, syafiqah, tasnim) buat buat baring je lah
Syasya ngan Faqihah dah tido o_o
"How can they sleep like that? So hot and so uncomfortable"
We were all asking that =.="
Tapi...yg bagos nyerrrr kitorang ber-gosip + ber-cerita hantuuuu =P
Then 1:15 kitorang tido!!!
Tapi...kol 3:15, aku ngan Maza terbangon...diikuti oleh Syafiqah.
Kol 4:00, tido semula...Sebelom tu kitorang nk g x jadik~ terlampau malas
Kol 5:30, cikgu bangonkan AKU X DENGAR POWN!!!
Tapi sebab Maza bergerak, aku pown merasai pergerakan sleeping bag yg digerak oleh Maza andddd aku bangon!!! =.="
Berebut-rebut!!! Panjang gilerh barisan diorang utk beratur masok tandas...
Ada yg terpaksa mandi 2 org satu tandas...
Antaranya... _____ =))
Pastu yadda3...kitorang solat, senamrobik, makan, minum Milo, balik khemah and bakar sosej. Aku tergolong dlm top 10 sbb alku punya sosej dibakar ngan bagus!!! Sedappppp and at last!!! Ala Komando!!!
Yay~~~ Best siottttt...
Muddy and Wet~ Aku suka masok kolam kopi =P Bau kopi tu sedap =))
Takde lah!!! First skali je sedap...2nd time...x sedap sbb...mud in there =.="
2nd time masok kolam tu, kaki aku tersekat kat meja =.="""
Anyways, pastu dengar FRU berceramah...
Best gak ahhh~~ tapi x faham sangat apa diorang ckp sbb...X FAHAM~~~
Then BOMBA!!! YAY!!!
Berceramah and spray guna benda merah tu =.="
Best siot...aku duduk kat tengah, asap tu ditiop angin dan kene tempat aku ngah duduk =)
Tapi...lari, tahan nafas, tutup mata arh! sbb kene asap tu x bagos! lagipown, kalau masok hidong, tokleh nafas buat seketika...
Aku dok tengah agi...
Sejok sangat! Tapi best!!! Basah kuyop!
Then mandi, makan, solat
Tak best bilerh kitorang kene roboh khemah balek :(
Bye tent! Lepas kemas2, g dewan!
Yahooooooo!!! Goooogle!!! =))
Ada pertandingan kreativiti....
My group won! Yay~~~ The first place =D
Nanti ari isnin bahagikan makanan dlm hamper =)
Lepas tu...balek :(
Bye to kem... :(
Tapi tak apa!!! In 2 weeks time, cikgu kata ada Kem Insaniah!!!
From now on, aku nk masok sume kem and aktiviti aktiviti dianjurkan oleh skolah!
=)) Kecuali yg masok dlm hutan lah. Hutan...blom bersedia lagi =D
Che' gu ckp tahun dpn nk buat Kem Muhibah lagi lama - 2 days 2 nights
Yay!!! And eventhough I'll be in SMK...but teacher said..
WE CAN STILL JOIN!!! YIPPIE!!! better take borang for me next year >_>
K larh~~~ Bye!!!
Seriously, FUN!!! Tapi ada sesuatu yg aku paleng geram =.="
Aku pegi Kem semalam, bawak 2 beg...
Hari ini membawa pulang bonus =.=" 3 beg!
Tuala plak asyek tertukar @_@ Peneng! Tak tau mana satu aku punyer.
Pastu nak g tandas...Masya Allah~~~ Teramat indah pabila mataku memandang barisan yg amat panjang itu >_>
Anyways...I MISS INTERNET 100%!!!
T_T But...x de computer pown x pe xD
Hehe...I miss you oso mahhhh~~~ miss me ah?
xD xD xD LMAO!!!
Just kidding!!! Since I didn't wrote in my blog for 22 hours...
I'm gonna lecture around =)) Just Kidding =P
Just wanna talk bout' kem muhibah this two days =D
2:30 - comes to school
3:00 - mendaftarkan diri
3:30 - lepak di tepi padang sambil makan ice-cream Aunty Maz.
P/S - Kitorang dpt ice cream tu sbb kitorang jerit "Aunty Maz!!! Nak Ice-cream!!!" dari padang.....
4:00 - Bina khemah
4:30 - Solat Asar
5:00 - Mandi
7:05 - Solat Maghrib
8:00 - Makan malam
+ Sedap!!! Rugi x makan =P
8:30 - Solat Isya'
9:00 - Persembahan!!!
+Diadakan di dewan
+Kumpulan aku nyanyi lagu Gemuruh. Memandangkan banyak tahu lagu ni, diorang nyanyi gak.
+ Suara aku ter-maintain.
+Persembahan shuffle best! (Hafizi & Fadhli rocks!)
+I'm proud of our stupid performance!
+Most of the students know this song so...they sing a long!!! =D
11:00 - Supper time!!! Have Milo...good for you, Arifah
11:15 - Back in tent
Kitorang kemas khemah and everything..then...
Pizza time!!! ____ bought 3 medium sized pizza.
We thought we couldn't finish it, so we gave 1 to Marshiela's group.
Aku sempat remind Marshiela "Jangan lupa kasik Arifah" =))
Oh yeah! My group :-
-Nur Elena
-Nur Tasnim
-Nursyafiqah Faqihah
I love bullying Faqihah =)
Oh 12, we had to close lights and sleep.
We did...tapi yg lain maseh main kat luar!
So...kitorang (aku, maza, syafiqah, tasnim) buat buat baring je lah
Syasya ngan Faqihah dah tido o_o
"How can they sleep like that? So hot and so uncomfortable"
We were all asking that =.="
Tapi...yg bagos nyerrrr kitorang ber-gosip + ber-cerita hantuuuu =P
Then 1:15 kitorang tido!!!
Tapi...kol 3:15, aku ngan Maza terbangon...diikuti oleh Syafiqah.
Kol 4:00, tido semula...Sebelom tu kitorang nk g x jadik~ terlampau malas
Kol 5:30, cikgu bangonkan AKU X DENGAR POWN!!!
Tapi sebab Maza bergerak, aku pown merasai pergerakan sleeping bag yg digerak oleh Maza andddd aku bangon!!! =.="
Berebut-rebut!!! Panjang gilerh barisan diorang utk beratur masok tandas...
Ada yg terpaksa mandi 2 org satu tandas...
Antaranya... _____ =))
Pastu yadda3...kitorang solat, senamrobik, makan, minum Milo, balik khemah and bakar sosej. Aku tergolong dlm top 10 sbb alku punya sosej dibakar ngan bagus!!! Sedappppp and at last!!! Ala Komando!!!
Yay~~~ Best siottttt...
Muddy and Wet~ Aku suka masok kolam kopi =P Bau kopi tu sedap =))
Takde lah!!! First skali je sedap...2nd time...x sedap sbb...mud in there =.="
2nd time masok kolam tu, kaki aku tersekat kat meja =.="""
Anyways, pastu dengar FRU berceramah...
Best gak ahhh~~ tapi x faham sangat apa diorang ckp sbb...X FAHAM~~~
Then BOMBA!!! YAY!!!
Berceramah and spray guna benda merah tu =.="
Best siot...aku duduk kat tengah, asap tu ditiop angin dan kene tempat aku ngah duduk =)
Tapi...lari, tahan nafas, tutup mata arh! sbb kene asap tu x bagos! lagipown, kalau masok hidong, tokleh nafas buat seketika...
Aku dok tengah agi...
Sejok sangat! Tapi best!!! Basah kuyop!
Then mandi, makan, solat
Tak best bilerh kitorang kene roboh khemah balek :(
Bye tent! Lepas kemas2, g dewan!
Yahooooooo!!! Goooogle!!! =))
Ada pertandingan kreativiti....
My group won! Yay~~~ The first place =D
Nanti ari isnin bahagikan makanan dlm hamper =)
Lepas tu...balek :(
Bye to kem... :(
Tapi tak apa!!! In 2 weeks time, cikgu kata ada Kem Insaniah!!!
From now on, aku nk masok sume kem and aktiviti aktiviti dianjurkan oleh skolah!
=)) Kecuali yg masok dlm hutan lah. Hutan...blom bersedia lagi =D
Che' gu ckp tahun dpn nk buat Kem Muhibah lagi lama - 2 days 2 nights
Yay!!! And eventhough I'll be in SMK...but teacher said..
WE CAN STILL JOIN!!! YIPPIE!!! better take borang for me next year >_>
K larh~~~ Bye!!!
Hi there readers! I'm going to Kem Muhibah later at 2:30 till tomorrow, 5 pm...
Gonna be performing this night O_o"
Training my voice like hell! I'm losing them more actually =.="
Packed my things! Gosh! I took an hour for that D:<
Bringing ONLY 2 bags. That's ok, I guess.
En. Zaidi posted in his blog already. And now I know some of the activities which are gonna be held.
Tomorrow? Getting ready to be in muds! Woohoo!!!
Gonna bring Ribena & Cincau later! Both are one of my fav <3
Oh well...there's a few facts you hafta know within this two days...
1. I'll superly MISS all my friends who are not going camping
2. I'll miss my bed T_T
3. I'll miss my computer !!!
4. I'll miss my radio
and most of all...I'll miss my house and my family!!!
Oh no! I forgot money!!! Shoot~~~ Better get that ready now. Gotta go! (Not exactly...I'm gonna update my private blog xD) Bye!!!
Gonna be performing this night O_o"
Training my voice like hell! I'm losing them more actually =.="
Packed my things! Gosh! I took an hour for that D:<
Bringing ONLY 2 bags. That's ok, I guess.
En. Zaidi posted in his blog already. And now I know some of the activities which are gonna be held.
Tomorrow? Getting ready to be in muds! Woohoo!!!
Gonna bring Ribena & Cincau later! Both are one of my fav <3
Oh well...there's a few facts you hafta know within this two days...
1. I'll superly MISS all my friends who are not going camping
2. I'll miss my bed T_T
3. I'll miss my computer !!!
4. I'll miss my radio
and most of all...I'll miss my house and my family!!!
Oh no! I forgot money!!! Shoot~~~ Better get that ready now. Gotta go! (Not exactly...I'm gonna update my private blog xD) Bye!!!
The FM!
Hi! Back with a new topic this time...
Wan, Zureen are all online! Arifah WAS online...
We played the Wan FM and Elena FM!
Best!!! But after 10 minutes, Arifah had to go...
Bye to her...
But tak kesah! Maseh continue the radio =)
I'm playing the Kucing FM a.k.a Catz FM...
10 minutes ago...I was a normal cat
5 minutes ago...I was a siamese cat...
Now? I'm a stray cat! Diorang dpt dgr suara yg gilerrr merduuuu!!!
Sampai diorang pown teruja =))
Wan : Oi! Kucing! Mengucap~~~
Zureen : =))
Alarh!!! Wan plak off selepas Arifah...
Cam nih tokleh ah buat radio :(
Takpe! Nanti aku kan jadi kucing klon siti nurhaliza =D
Tunggu ah bilerh Wan ngan Arifah on...
Wan, Zureen are all online! Arifah WAS online...
We played the Wan FM and Elena FM!
Best!!! But after 10 minutes, Arifah had to go...
Bye to her...
But tak kesah! Maseh continue the radio =)
I'm playing the Kucing FM a.k.a Catz FM...
10 minutes ago...I was a normal cat
5 minutes ago...I was a siamese cat...
Now? I'm a stray cat! Diorang dpt dgr suara yg gilerrr merduuuu!!!
Sampai diorang pown teruja =))
Wan : Oi! Kucing! Mengucap~~~
Zureen : =))
Alarh!!! Wan plak off selepas Arifah...
Cam nih tokleh ah buat radio :(
Takpe! Nanti aku kan jadi kucing klon siti nurhaliza =D
Tunggu ah bilerh Wan ngan Arifah on...
Miss C - The Reminder
Miss C ialah tak lain tak bukan...Miss Chicken!!!
Zureen lah orangnye =.=" Dia cakap pasal kasot dlm blog dia!
Haiyoo!!! Macam mana aku bleyh terlupa?
Thanks to the reminder! Yang peleknya...kenapa post dia x de ayam kali ni?
Humph! Takpelah! Biar aku jangkit penyakit ayam dia sebentar =))
Anyways...masa skolah tadi, aku pown tetukar kasut...mcm Zureen lepas habes agama!
Tapi aku punya tetuka seblah je... =D Puas cari satu surau dengan berkaki AYAM!
Naseb baik dowh aku bukan darjah empat lagi! Kalau x aku dah nanges dah =.="
Puas mencari, x jumpe jumpe kasot aku lagi seblah. Hentam ah! Aku pakai je kasot yg ada kat penjuru surau tu. Tak tahu sape punye! Zureen plak pakai kasot yg sama pattern, sama brand, sama everything dengan kasot dia, tapi cume saiz jer lain - saiz 7
Haih~~~ Kasot yg aku pakai tu ada benjol kat bawah! Huaahhh~~~ Tak selesa!!!
Tepaksa jolah! Aku, Arifah ngan Zureen jalan menuju ke tangga. Zureen jalan lambat sebab kasot terlampau longgar!!! Naik tangga...Zureen asyek terjatoh...kesian dia.
Tokleh pakai langsong kasot tu... =P And then, adalah aku ter-sepak kaki dia...menyebabkan dia hamper terjatoh...ehehehe...jangan marah! angry jeee
Naek klas...aku bitau ah Syafiqah. Syafiqah bitau Maza.
Aku ngan Fiqah pown...
Me & Syafiqah : Siapa ada tertukar kasot??!!!
Me : Siapa ada tertukar kasot ngan aku???!!! T_T
Imran : Aku! Aku! Ni kasot ko ke?
Elena : Mana aku tahu...!!! Kasik arh~
Zureen : Weyh! Imran!!! Yang tu kasot aku kowt.
Imran : Ko punya saiz apa?
Zureen : Ko punya apa?
Imran : 5-7 kowt! Kasik ah aku
-bertukar SATU kasot-
Imran : Weyh ni kasot aku ah! Patot ah rasa ketat semacam je tadi.
Zureen : =.=" Besar gilerh kaki ko
-bertukar lagi satu kasot-
Imran : Ah~~~ Sedap siket
Zureen : Selesa pown
Hati aku :-
- Kenapa td x tuka dua dua kasot je tadi?
- Diorang dah jumpa kasot...aku blom lagi!!! Huahhh~~~ T_T
Sedeyh =( Sob...
Pastu aku ajak Zureen check klas 6U kat bengkel.
Aku suroh Losyen (Roshand) panggel Arissa ngan Shasha sebab saiz kaki diorang hampe same jer ngan aku.
Tapi tengok2, Shasha pakai kasut confirm bukan dia punyeh!
Aku tanya Arissa!!!
Me : Arisa, ko ada tetuka kasot x?
Arissa : Ah! Ha ah!!!
Me : Ahhhhh~~~ Akhirnya jumpe! Aku tetuka ngan ko lah!!
-tuka kasot-
Arissa : Yay!
Me : Weyh! Thanks ahhhh~~~ Lega sikit memakai kasot sendiri
-tears of joy-
1. Jangan letak kasot kat tempat laki. Kesimpulan nih untuk ZUREEN!
2. Bila kuar tros cepat ambik kasot seblom org mistaken dan ambik kasot kitorang!
3. Tengok kasot dahulu seblom memakainya. Confirmkan bahawa yg tu benar2 kasot kitorang!!!
Hahahaha!!! Pok pok pok!!! Ayam Ayam Ayam!!!
Ok! Tadi citerh pasal KASOT! Skarang pasal aku =D Aku ngah minom Lemonade.
Berita sedeyh! Lychee aku dah habes =( Tak tahu bile nak beli lagi!!! Sepanjang 1 hari aku x minom Lychee. Sepanjang 2 1/2 minggu aku x minom Ribena anddddd....Lemonade aku x habes2 =.=" Aku letak sikit jerh kowt =P Ntah! =))
Tapi...gud news balek selepas Lemonade aku habes...Aku udah beli Ribena - Woohoo!
Lepas habes Ribena, ada Lychee, lepas habes lychee, ada ribena! Best gilerh =)) X kebosanan lah macam ni. Mak aku... "Ais, ais, ais! Nanti demam kang baru tahu"
Ehehehe...aku minom gak...kalau reti buat cendol...SETIAP HARI MINOM!!!
Tapi ada ah gak aku "haaaaa chum!!!"... =P Ok...back to topic
Baru balek dari Mydin. Beli 2 baju lengan panjang. Mak x kasik beli 2 lagi sebab kat rumah ada tapi aku je malas nk pakai. Pastu, beli kopok untuk malam esok. Yum yum!
Pastu beli gulerh! (I need braces! Like Ryan Higa used to have them...)
Haha! Just kidding! Ingat braces tu murah ke? Kalau 1 sen bleyh ah gak =.="
Macam mana Aishah AF7 buat gigi dia cantik dlm masa satu hari ah? Dentist mana dia jumpe?
Oh well...apa lagi ah nk ckp?
Ntah! Dh lupa...
Zureen lah orangnye =.=" Dia cakap pasal kasot dlm blog dia!
Haiyoo!!! Macam mana aku bleyh terlupa?
Thanks to the reminder! Yang peleknya...kenapa post dia x de ayam kali ni?
Humph! Takpelah! Biar aku jangkit penyakit ayam dia sebentar =))
Anyways...masa skolah tadi, aku pown tetukar kasut...mcm Zureen lepas habes agama!
Tapi aku punya tetuka seblah je... =D Puas cari satu surau dengan berkaki AYAM!
Naseb baik dowh aku bukan darjah empat lagi! Kalau x aku dah nanges dah =.="
Puas mencari, x jumpe jumpe kasot aku lagi seblah. Hentam ah! Aku pakai je kasot yg ada kat penjuru surau tu. Tak tahu sape punye! Zureen plak pakai kasot yg sama pattern, sama brand, sama everything dengan kasot dia, tapi cume saiz jer lain - saiz 7
Haih~~~ Kasot yg aku pakai tu ada benjol kat bawah! Huaahhh~~~ Tak selesa!!!
Tepaksa jolah! Aku, Arifah ngan Zureen jalan menuju ke tangga. Zureen jalan lambat sebab kasot terlampau longgar!!! Naik tangga...Zureen asyek terjatoh...kesian dia.
Tokleh pakai langsong kasot tu... =P And then, adalah aku ter-sepak kaki dia...menyebabkan dia hamper terjatoh...ehehehe...jangan marah! angry jeee
Naek klas...aku bitau ah Syafiqah. Syafiqah bitau Maza.
Aku ngan Fiqah pown...
Me & Syafiqah : Siapa ada tertukar kasot??!!!
Me : Siapa ada tertukar kasot ngan aku???!!! T_T
Imran : Aku! Aku! Ni kasot ko ke?
Elena : Mana aku tahu...!!! Kasik arh~
Zureen : Weyh! Imran!!! Yang tu kasot aku kowt.
Imran : Ko punya saiz apa?
Zureen : Ko punya apa?
Imran : 5-7 kowt! Kasik ah aku
-bertukar SATU kasot-
Imran : Weyh ni kasot aku ah! Patot ah rasa ketat semacam je tadi.
Zureen : =.=" Besar gilerh kaki ko
-bertukar lagi satu kasot-
Imran : Ah~~~ Sedap siket
Zureen : Selesa pown
Hati aku :-
- Kenapa td x tuka dua dua kasot je tadi?
- Diorang dah jumpa kasot...aku blom lagi!!! Huahhh~~~ T_T
Sedeyh =( Sob...
Pastu aku ajak Zureen check klas 6U kat bengkel.
Aku suroh Losyen (Roshand) panggel Arissa ngan Shasha sebab saiz kaki diorang hampe same jer ngan aku.
Tapi tengok2, Shasha pakai kasut confirm bukan dia punyeh!
Aku tanya Arissa!!!
Me : Arisa, ko ada tetuka kasot x?
Arissa : Ah! Ha ah!!!
Me : Ahhhhh~~~ Akhirnya jumpe! Aku tetuka ngan ko lah!!
-tuka kasot-
Arissa : Yay!
Me : Weyh! Thanks ahhhh~~~ Lega sikit memakai kasot sendiri
-tears of joy-
1. Jangan letak kasot kat tempat laki. Kesimpulan nih untuk ZUREEN!
2. Bila kuar tros cepat ambik kasot seblom org mistaken dan ambik kasot kitorang!
3. Tengok kasot dahulu seblom memakainya. Confirmkan bahawa yg tu benar2 kasot kitorang!!!
Hahahaha!!! Pok pok pok!!! Ayam Ayam Ayam!!!
Ok! Tadi citerh pasal KASOT! Skarang pasal aku =D Aku ngah minom Lemonade.
Berita sedeyh! Lychee aku dah habes =( Tak tahu bile nak beli lagi!!! Sepanjang 1 hari aku x minom Lychee. Sepanjang 2 1/2 minggu aku x minom Ribena anddddd....Lemonade aku x habes2 =.=" Aku letak sikit jerh kowt =P Ntah! =))
Tapi...gud news balek selepas Lemonade aku habes...Aku udah beli Ribena - Woohoo!
Lepas habes Ribena, ada Lychee, lepas habes lychee, ada ribena! Best gilerh =)) X kebosanan lah macam ni. Mak aku... "Ais, ais, ais! Nanti demam kang baru tahu"
Ehehehe...aku minom gak...kalau reti buat cendol...SETIAP HARI MINOM!!!
Tapi ada ah gak aku "haaaaa chum!!!"... =P Ok...back to topic
Baru balek dari Mydin. Beli 2 baju lengan panjang. Mak x kasik beli 2 lagi sebab kat rumah ada tapi aku je malas nk pakai. Pastu, beli kopok untuk malam esok. Yum yum!
Pastu beli gulerh! (I need braces! Like Ryan Higa used to have them...)
Haha! Just kidding! Ingat braces tu murah ke? Kalau 1 sen bleyh ah gak =.="
Macam mana Aishah AF7 buat gigi dia cantik dlm masa satu hari ah? Dentist mana dia jumpe?
Oh well...apa lagi ah nk ckp?
Ntah! Dh lupa...
Here goes nothing!
Ignore my post title please...I'm bored, I couldn't think of a title =.="
Tomorrow is sorta the big day =D Kem Muhibah! Oh, I can't wait!!!
Some of my friends aren't going though...
En. Faisol tied a rope from a branch of a tree to another...
Elena : What's the rope for?
Arifah : You'll have to swing (like monkey bar)
Elena : What if we fall? We'll fall in mud is it?
Arifah : No! Tea!
Elena : Oh...shoot! You pernah fall before?
Arifah : Yeap!
Elena : Did you took a bath after that?
Arifah : No...wait for everything finish
Elena : Oh...that's gonna be sticky! I wish teacher doesn't put tea...I wish teacher put Lychee! Or even better, Lemonade and Ribena!!!
Arifah : =.="
Elena : I'll drinking the whole thing before the activity starts =))
Arifah : Eeeee
Elena : No lah!!!
Haha! That's what happened after PJ-ing
Then yadda3...Miss Geetha & Mdm Nita didn't enter the class...
Is that a yay? I don't know!!!
Anyways...Agama was fun!!!
But my tudung =( 2 tiny blue lines...nevermind...its tiny xD
Paint here, paint there...and DISASTER EVERYWHERE!!!
LMAO!!! But thanks to Ustazah, we do not have to change our PJ clothes =)
Just wish if every Thursday's like that...we'll be stickeh =.="
Talking bout stick-eh
Zureen : Elena nampak macam stick
Arifah : -laughs-
Elena : Pehal plak?
Zureen : Yelah...sluar ko macam stick
Elena : mean - I like plastic stick, metal stick, writing stick...(and so on)
Zureen : -LOL-
Arifah : -LOL-
Oh case you don't know what's ROGLMHPO..
Its... Rolling On Grass Laughing My Head Off!
=.=" Yes, its stupid!
I was very hunggggggryyyy!!!
My friends too!
I ate 1 waffle and 2 and a half sandwiches...
P/S - Love the sandwich
And drank 1 and a half bottle~~~
K lah~ Bye!
Wanna eat...I'm STILL hungry!
Oh and...I'm gonna go Mydin (Not again!) later...
to buy 4 long-sleeved shirts for...TOMORROW!!!
Tomorrow is sorta the big day =D Kem Muhibah! Oh, I can't wait!!!
Some of my friends aren't going though...
En. Faisol tied a rope from a branch of a tree to another...
Elena : What's the rope for?
Arifah : You'll have to swing (like monkey bar)
Elena : What if we fall? We'll fall in mud is it?
Arifah : No! Tea!
Elena : Oh...shoot! You pernah fall before?
Arifah : Yeap!
Elena : Did you took a bath after that?
Arifah : No...wait for everything finish
Elena : Oh...that's gonna be sticky! I wish teacher doesn't put tea...I wish teacher put Lychee! Or even better, Lemonade and Ribena!!!
Arifah : =.="
Elena : I'll drinking the whole thing before the activity starts =))
Arifah : Eeeee
Elena : No lah!!!
Haha! That's what happened after PJ-ing
Then yadda3...Miss Geetha & Mdm Nita didn't enter the class...
Is that a yay? I don't know!!!
Anyways...Agama was fun!!!
But my tudung =( 2 tiny blue lines...nevermind...its tiny xD
Paint here, paint there...and DISASTER EVERYWHERE!!!
LMAO!!! But thanks to Ustazah, we do not have to change our PJ clothes =)
Just wish if every Thursday's like that...we'll be stickeh =.="
Talking bout stick-eh
Zureen : Elena nampak macam stick
Arifah : -laughs-
Elena : Pehal plak?
Zureen : Yelah...sluar ko macam stick
Elena : mean - I like plastic stick, metal stick, writing stick...(and so on)
Zureen : -LOL-
Arifah : -LOL-
Oh case you don't know what's ROGLMHPO..
Its... Rolling On Grass Laughing My Head Off!
=.=" Yes, its stupid!
I was very hunggggggryyyy!!!
My friends too!
I ate 1 waffle and 2 and a half sandwiches...
P/S - Love the sandwich
And drank 1 and a half bottle~~~
K lah~ Bye!
Wanna eat...I'm STILL hungry!
Oh and...I'm gonna go Mydin (Not again!) later...
to buy 4 long-sleeved shirts for...TOMORROW!!!
Not again!!!
School time was sweaty...
Kokurikulum also sweaty!!!
I don't know how to explain how sweaty I am
I'm sure you don't want to know, too!
Being in the surau without fans is cooler than staying in the hall O_o
Eventhough the air-cond was on! It was meh? No!!! It wasn't! Only the fans were on.
My group was the 4th to perform. I LOVE Fatin Nurjanani's group! (of course!)
She's born, dude! Dance!!!
=.=" Oh well~~~
Hehehe...Anyways...I love Pershilyia's group too! They danced...
The song :- Right Round!
What the should see them! As we (Shasha, Maza, Syafiqah & me) were playing ping-pong at the back of the hall, we stopped! Just to watch them!!!
Oh!! Not to forget, Aisya's group too!
Like about 5:45, Roshand, Luqman and Koshyeelan came in and played ping-pong with us =D
They were offence =.="
Then, En. Nadzrawi played with Pn. Azma and En. Ahmad and Ustaz Nawawi became the MC!!!
En. Ahmad and Ustaz were also singing the songs played on the radio =))
Their voice can beat Siti Nurhaliza!!! =))
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Elenaaaaaaaaa
Elena (at the back of the hall) : -peace-
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Ya! Ya!!! Peace! Peace!
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Luqmannnnnn
Luqman (at the back of the hall) : -ignores and continues playing-
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Luqmannnnnn
Luqman (at the back of the hall) : -ignores and continues playing-
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Luqmannnnnn
Luqman : -ignores and continues playing-
Me & Syafiqah : Ya Allah...pekaknya
Then teacher called Koshyeelan...but he was busy playing ping-pong and couldn't spend a minute turning back and see teacher - in a simple simile - "Just as lazy as Luqman"
Just kidding (but seriously)
Yadda3...Shasha had to go home so me and Syafiqah walk walk walk to the gate..
and buy buy buy ice-cream! and eat eat eat...
Syafiqah, Syafiqah....lots of people kacau her xD
Shaqeel keeps on
"Hadi ikot gate blakang..."
"Luqman dh blah dh..."
"Roshand tak tahu kat mana..."
"Aiman jaoh kat sana..."
"Imran dah balek dah..."
"Koshyeelan maseh blom kuar..."
And I kept on laughing and looking at Syafiqah, then Shaqeel, then Syafiqah, then Shaqeel =))
Syafiqah keeps on asking me "Elena!!! Siapa Shaqeel suka? Bitau ah!"
Me : Dia ada bitau orang ko suka dia ke?
Syafiqah : Tak! Tapi dia ejek!!!
Me : >_> Shaqeeeeeeeel~~~
Shaqeel : Apa! Aku x bitau pown!!! D:<
=.=" Then Fadhli came near Syafiqah and...
Fiqah run again! Woohoo!!!
Jaguh negara!!! =))
And Fadhli passed by again and...
=)) Fiqah lagi lari =))
andddddd Fiqah lari lagi =.="""
Haih~~~ Funny! Sweaty but FUN!
K lah! I wish u an advance sweet dream!!!
Kokurikulum also sweaty!!!
I don't know how to explain how sweaty I am
I'm sure you don't want to know, too!
Being in the surau without fans is cooler than staying in the hall O_o
Eventhough the air-cond was on! It was meh? No!!! It wasn't! Only the fans were on.
My group was the 4th to perform. I LOVE Fatin Nurjanani's group! (of course!)
She's born, dude! Dance!!!
=.=" Oh well~~~
Hehehe...Anyways...I love Pershilyia's group too! They danced...
The song :- Right Round!
What the should see them! As we (Shasha, Maza, Syafiqah & me) were playing ping-pong at the back of the hall, we stopped! Just to watch them!!!
Oh!! Not to forget, Aisya's group too!
Like about 5:45, Roshand, Luqman and Koshyeelan came in and played ping-pong with us =D
They were offence =.="
Then, En. Nadzrawi played with Pn. Azma and En. Ahmad and Ustaz Nawawi became the MC!!!
En. Ahmad and Ustaz were also singing the songs played on the radio =))
Their voice can beat Siti Nurhaliza!!! =))
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Elenaaaaaaaaa
Elena (at the back of the hall) : -peace-
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Ya! Ya!!! Peace! Peace!
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Luqmannnnnn
Luqman (at the back of the hall) : -ignores and continues playing-
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Luqmannnnnn
Luqman (at the back of the hall) : -ignores and continues playing-
En. Ahmad (front of the hall) : Luqmannnnnn
Luqman : -ignores and continues playing-
Me & Syafiqah : Ya Allah...pekaknya
Then teacher called Koshyeelan...but he was busy playing ping-pong and couldn't spend a minute turning back and see teacher - in a simple simile - "Just as lazy as Luqman"
Just kidding (but seriously)
Yadda3...Shasha had to go home so me and Syafiqah walk walk walk to the gate..
and buy buy buy ice-cream! and eat eat eat...
Syafiqah, Syafiqah....lots of people kacau her xD
Shaqeel keeps on
"Hadi ikot gate blakang..."
"Luqman dh blah dh..."
"Roshand tak tahu kat mana..."
"Aiman jaoh kat sana..."
"Imran dah balek dah..."
"Koshyeelan maseh blom kuar..."
And I kept on laughing and looking at Syafiqah, then Shaqeel, then Syafiqah, then Shaqeel =))
Syafiqah keeps on asking me "Elena!!! Siapa Shaqeel suka? Bitau ah!"
Me : Dia ada bitau orang ko suka dia ke?
Syafiqah : Tak! Tapi dia ejek!!!
Me : >_> Shaqeeeeeeeel~~~
Shaqeel : Apa! Aku x bitau pown!!! D:<
=.=" Then Fadhli came near Syafiqah and...
Fiqah run again! Woohoo!!!
Jaguh negara!!! =))
And Fadhli passed by again and...
=)) Fiqah lagi lari =))
andddddd Fiqah lari lagi =.="""
Haih~~~ Funny! Sweaty but FUN!
K lah! I wish u an advance sweet dream!!!
Why does almost every Wednesday makes me sweaty?
=.=" Stupid question right? Who cares~
Lets see...first subject was Segar Minda, English thought by Mdm Ranjit.
Ok ok lah! But I left my Didik paper in my old bag O_o" Naseb cikgu x marah
After 15 minutes, Maza cried T_T She forgot to ask her mom to sign the pink card thinggy =.="
Then asked teacher to go out...I went with her. She called, talk, talk, talk and I wasted 50 cents for my good friend. Nevermind, sharing is caring ^_^
Then then then...I called my mom. Asks her whether can bring the didik for me or not..
She say cannot =( She at MPSJ, jalan jam and yadda3...
I oni say "ok..." (wakakakaka)
Then BM...teacher never come! Awwhhh~~~ if teacher comes, then its gonna be great =D
Then its...Agama! Yay~~~ Bolehlah...
Then english! Well~ today was sorta fun :D Singing, reading books but I hate the writing part =.=" And trying to squish everyone to check the answer from the answer card. Squish squish and squish all the way and at last Hadi gave me the card. He ask me to 'bawak jauh2'
The moment I was holding the edge of the card, almost everyone there shouted "Elena!!!"
=.=" Terpaksa give back the card or else I'll be 100% friends and by teacher >_>
Oh yeah! Missed one session. Recess time! Ate french fries...again! =.="
Lucky Syahira blanja - she very good today =D
Or not, I can't eat O_o" No money mah~ gave half of my money to Maza and I bring so little money today.
Nevermind, nevermind! Sharing is caring =))
When we naik Block front of class
Shakir starts saying tht Hadi is not a rajen type...
And then Syafiqah was quiet..
and then Shakir said "Alah! Syafiqah~~~ janganlah terasa!!!"
I was LMAO!!!
Then after rehat was AGAIN english. And Miss G said she's relieving En. Zaidi.
Never told the reason why...I guess.
We sang and read poems =D I love the bingo song! Borrowing Imran's word - WEEEEEE!!!
Then...Science time! We're restless? Thats what teacher said...=.="
Hyper laugh and hyper not concentrating was 50% what the class was doing.
Tomorrow have PJ lorh...YAY! Eh...tomorrow Friday or Thursday?
Oh ya ah...PJ so that means Thursday~
What more bout' today and tomorrow?
Later have Kokurikulum. I'm going! But gonna go dewan, Pn. Norlela asks us to PRACTISE for the performance (kem muhibah)
oooo yeah! back to science.
My things keeps on falling! First my eraser, then my bottle, then my pen =.="
Imran's book was missing and we found it~ under the table beside Farahin @_@
Syafiqah took it!!! Hooray for her!
And there goes another scandal xD xD xD
Imran, jangan marahhh~~~You know who __ likes
Sachdave was making everyone confusing. And he was blurrr
Mdm Nita : Class, are you dreaming? (she said something like tht)
Sachdave : Yes!!
Wakakaka!!! He thought Mdm Nita said 'do you agree'
=)) And tht shows he is xD
Funny lah~ Teacher also laugh =D
We, 36/35 pupils ...ALSO LAUGHS =D
What more to type? I dont wanna stop now...
Oh yeah! My mom bought for me a sleeping bag and a torch and a new toothbrush and a new toothpaste for the Kem Muhibah...
Oh yeah! Back to the topic of school (sorry I kept changing topics)
When coming back...=( No ice cream from Aunty Maz. Finish edi =(
Who cares =D I went to my mom and went back to Aunty Maz to search for Aunty Zana.
Then I went back to the bus stop =D And then go home!
On the way home, saw Marshiela! She ter-tinggal bus =.="
She dare to walk home...right...
Then my mom ask her to tumpang. And she did =D
Sent her home...then tata!!! Passed about 5 house and there's my house!
Yay!!! =.="""
Like I guessed, no bus passed my house today.
No A2 and even M15
xD xD xD
K lah~ bye!!!
=.=" Stupid question right? Who cares~
Lets see...first subject was Segar Minda, English thought by Mdm Ranjit.
Ok ok lah! But I left my Didik paper in my old bag O_o" Naseb cikgu x marah
After 15 minutes, Maza cried T_T She forgot to ask her mom to sign the pink card thinggy =.="
Then asked teacher to go out...I went with her. She called, talk, talk, talk and I wasted 50 cents for my good friend. Nevermind, sharing is caring ^_^
Then then then...I called my mom. Asks her whether can bring the didik for me or not..
She say cannot =( She at MPSJ, jalan jam and yadda3...
I oni say "ok..." (wakakakaka)
Then BM...teacher never come! Awwhhh~~~ if teacher comes, then its gonna be great =D
Then its...Agama! Yay~~~ Bolehlah...
Then english! Well~ today was sorta fun :D Singing, reading books but I hate the writing part =.=" And trying to squish everyone to check the answer from the answer card. Squish squish and squish all the way and at last Hadi gave me the card. He ask me to 'bawak jauh2'
The moment I was holding the edge of the card, almost everyone there shouted "Elena!!!"
=.=" Terpaksa give back the card or else I'll be 100% friends and by teacher >_>
Oh yeah! Missed one session. Recess time! Ate french fries...again! =.="
Lucky Syahira blanja - she very good today =D
Or not, I can't eat O_o" No money mah~ gave half of my money to Maza and I bring so little money today.
Nevermind, nevermind! Sharing is caring =))
When we naik Block front of class
Shakir starts saying tht Hadi is not a rajen type...
And then Syafiqah was quiet..
and then Shakir said "Alah! Syafiqah~~~ janganlah terasa!!!"
I was LMAO!!!
Then after rehat was AGAIN english. And Miss G said she's relieving En. Zaidi.
Never told the reason why...I guess.
We sang and read poems =D I love the bingo song! Borrowing Imran's word - WEEEEEE!!!
Then...Science time! We're restless? Thats what teacher said...=.="
Hyper laugh and hyper not concentrating was 50% what the class was doing.
Tomorrow have PJ lorh...YAY! Eh...tomorrow Friday or Thursday?
Oh ya ah...PJ so that means Thursday~
What more bout' today and tomorrow?
Later have Kokurikulum. I'm going! But gonna go dewan, Pn. Norlela asks us to PRACTISE for the performance (kem muhibah)
oooo yeah! back to science.
My things keeps on falling! First my eraser, then my bottle, then my pen =.="
Imran's book was missing and we found it~ under the table beside Farahin @_@
Syafiqah took it!!! Hooray for her!
And there goes another scandal xD xD xD
Imran, jangan marahhh~~~You know who __ likes
Sachdave was making everyone confusing. And he was blurrr
Mdm Nita : Class, are you dreaming? (she said something like tht)
Sachdave : Yes!!
Wakakaka!!! He thought Mdm Nita said 'do you agree'
=)) And tht shows he is xD
Funny lah~ Teacher also laugh =D
We, 36/35 pupils ...ALSO LAUGHS =D
What more to type? I dont wanna stop now...
Oh yeah! My mom bought for me a sleeping bag and a torch and a new toothbrush and a new toothpaste for the Kem Muhibah...
Oh yeah! Back to the topic of school (sorry I kept changing topics)
When coming back...=( No ice cream from Aunty Maz. Finish edi =(
Who cares =D I went to my mom and went back to Aunty Maz to search for Aunty Zana.
Then I went back to the bus stop =D And then go home!
On the way home, saw Marshiela! She ter-tinggal bus =.="
She dare to walk home...right...
Then my mom ask her to tumpang. And she did =D
Sent her home...then tata!!! Passed about 5 house and there's my house!
Yay!!! =.="""
Like I guessed, no bus passed my house today.
No A2 and even M15
xD xD xD
K lah~ bye!!!
Best! Best! Best!
Aku tak tahu kenapa, tapi today BEST sesangat!
Last week ngan this week, hari TER-BEST skali!!!
Ntah knp =P Best jerlah =D
En. Zaidi nak buat blog baru - for homework
Yay? Aku sentiasa on...tapi mls nk bukak blog chekgu nk buat homework... T_T
Music...bleyh lah!
Agama... best gak - WOOHOO
English, lu pikir lah sendiri...
Science - haih~ Ko fhm2 je lah =D
BM and masa REHAT paleng best!
BM best sbb mcm biasa, Pn Azlina buat org gelak dlm kemarahan =P
Ada skali tu, Pn Too bergegas naek tangga...aku ingat budak mana lah yg lari tuh sbb aku x tengok betul2 - pintu kelas menghalang pandangan aku ke luar
Pastu aku tanya Fiqah, Fiqah pown bitau ah aku yg, yg tu Pn Too.
Pn. Azlina pown kuar ahhh
Kebanyakan kwn2 aku suroh aku selidek kat tepi =D
Aku pown tengok ahhh
Tapi aku x nmpk paperh sbb cikgu dh blah jauh dh!
Pastu banyak yg tengok dr blakang...
Harith plak g kat rak dpn klas tu! Nak sembunyi ah konon sambel men-skodeng!
Tp...tengok2 Pn. Azlina dh kat dpn klas!
LMAO! Gilerh ah~ Satu klas ketawa xD xD xD
Pn. Azlina pown ketawa gak =D
Masa rehat plak,
aku ngan kawn2 laen bli makanan ngan makan kat dewan sbb nk di-audition-kan oleh En. Shaheezam! Tp, cikgu x de agi! So, aku ngan member2 group lain practise ah! Dlm dewan terlampau biseng, jadi kitorang practise kat luar
Ok ah gak! Kenapa kat situ banyak laki ah?
Anyways, masa Maths,
En. Zaidi ckp pasal bilek ICT gak...
En. Zaidi kata komputer pling dpn bleyh mengawal komputer yg lain...
Cikgu yg dudok kat situ bleyh tahu apa kitorang buat melalui komputer tu..
Mampoi aku D:< Aku bukak blog!!! Arghhhhh~~~
Cikgu2 yg baca blog ni, jgn marah *yikes*
Lps 30 minit blaja maths, kitorang kene jaga klas sbb cikgu2 mesyuarat!
Aku jaga 6U! Haih~~~ maleh nk jago kelas tuuu
Rasa mcm nk jaga bookshop! Lagi sng, bleyh bli air jeeee =D
Just Kidding lah! Ok ah jaga klas tu! =(
Rachel angkat aku!!! Huahhh~~~ Aku geram aku g pukol tangan dia...
Terpaksa buat sbb dia hamper nk baling aku ke atas =(
Aku tahu lah aku kurus dn ringan T_T Takyah ah mendera...
Naseb baik gak dia lepas - phewhhh
Masa balek, aku ngan dhivya hanta buku KT kat bilik GB
Pastu aku bli ice cream nenas ngan durian blanda dr mak maza.
Tp masa aku nk g kat mak aku, ada lah plak dua kawan yg memain kat bus stop =.="
Shaqeel asyek2 "fire! fire! fire!" jeee ngan Imran!
Aku fire dua-dua kang, hangos + hitam berlegam logam teros!
Pastu si Imran plak asyek menghalang jalan orang =.="
Kenapa x letak skittle je nk halang org? Haih~~~
Naseb baik aku kuros - bleyh menyelit kat blakang (hahaha)
K arh~ nanti aku post balek ek?
Aku nak makan kopok ikan =D
Wif cili sos ah sedap =))
Farewell~~~ C ya tunight kalu aku on lagi
Korunk on gak tau!
Hari ni ada homework x?
Kalau aku tak on, maknenye aku see u tomorrow at school jolah yo?
Kk~ bye!!
Last week ngan this week, hari TER-BEST skali!!!
Ntah knp =P Best jerlah =D
En. Zaidi nak buat blog baru - for homework
Yay? Aku sentiasa on...tapi mls nk bukak blog chekgu nk buat homework... T_T
Music...bleyh lah!
Agama... best gak - WOOHOO
English, lu pikir lah sendiri...
Science - haih~ Ko fhm2 je lah =D
BM and masa REHAT paleng best!
BM best sbb mcm biasa, Pn Azlina buat org gelak dlm kemarahan =P
Ada skali tu, Pn Too bergegas naek tangga...aku ingat budak mana lah yg lari tuh sbb aku x tengok betul2 - pintu kelas menghalang pandangan aku ke luar
Pastu aku tanya Fiqah, Fiqah pown bitau ah aku yg, yg tu Pn Too.
Pn. Azlina pown kuar ahhh
Kebanyakan kwn2 aku suroh aku selidek kat tepi =D
Aku pown tengok ahhh
Tapi aku x nmpk paperh sbb cikgu dh blah jauh dh!
Pastu banyak yg tengok dr blakang...
Harith plak g kat rak dpn klas tu! Nak sembunyi ah konon sambel men-skodeng!
Tp...tengok2 Pn. Azlina dh kat dpn klas!
LMAO! Gilerh ah~ Satu klas ketawa xD xD xD
Pn. Azlina pown ketawa gak =D
Masa rehat plak,
aku ngan kawn2 laen bli makanan ngan makan kat dewan sbb nk di-audition-kan oleh En. Shaheezam! Tp, cikgu x de agi! So, aku ngan member2 group lain practise ah! Dlm dewan terlampau biseng, jadi kitorang practise kat luar
Ok ah gak! Kenapa kat situ banyak laki ah?
Anyways, masa Maths,
En. Zaidi ckp pasal bilek ICT gak...
En. Zaidi kata komputer pling dpn bleyh mengawal komputer yg lain...
Cikgu yg dudok kat situ bleyh tahu apa kitorang buat melalui komputer tu..
Mampoi aku D:< Aku bukak blog!!! Arghhhhh~~~
Cikgu2 yg baca blog ni, jgn marah *yikes*
Lps 30 minit blaja maths, kitorang kene jaga klas sbb cikgu2 mesyuarat!
Aku jaga 6U! Haih~~~ maleh nk jago kelas tuuu
Rasa mcm nk jaga bookshop! Lagi sng, bleyh bli air jeeee =D
Just Kidding lah! Ok ah jaga klas tu! =(
Rachel angkat aku!!! Huahhh~~~ Aku geram aku g pukol tangan dia...
Terpaksa buat sbb dia hamper nk baling aku ke atas =(
Aku tahu lah aku kurus dn ringan T_T Takyah ah mendera...
Naseb baik gak dia lepas - phewhhh
Masa balek, aku ngan dhivya hanta buku KT kat bilik GB
Pastu aku bli ice cream nenas ngan durian blanda dr mak maza.
Tp masa aku nk g kat mak aku, ada lah plak dua kawan yg memain kat bus stop =.="
Shaqeel asyek2 "fire! fire! fire!" jeee ngan Imran!
Aku fire dua-dua kang, hangos + hitam berlegam logam teros!
Pastu si Imran plak asyek menghalang jalan orang =.="
Kenapa x letak skittle je nk halang org? Haih~~~
Naseb baik aku kuros - bleyh menyelit kat blakang (hahaha)
K arh~ nanti aku post balek ek?
Aku nak makan kopok ikan =D
Wif cili sos ah sedap =))
Farewell~~~ C ya tunight kalu aku on lagi
Korunk on gak tau!
Hari ni ada homework x?
Kalau aku tak on, maknenye aku see u tomorrow at school jolah yo?
Kk~ bye!!
Cooking time!
Note - To the person who hates to know about me, myself and I, please exit this page RIGHT NOW!
Hello! Just came back from Athirah's house. I teached her some Maths formula which she don't know and I know. And I did my Maths workbook aswell! And she knows the things I don't know =P Sharing is caring!!! Yippie~~~
After 30 minutes studying (yes, I fast), Sakina took a bath in the small swimming pool outside =.="
I played water...with my leg! =D
And...Athirah nak mandikan Firdaus..So she also basah =.="
Then...Karipap time!!! Eat eat =P Yum yum!
Then...there's leftover dough, we took it and make shapes and fry it =D
Again, YUM YUM!!!
The end! short =.=" Malas nak tulis panjang2, I wanna burn songs in the CD
Getting ready with matches to burn the songs =D
K lah!!! BYE!!!
Hello! Just came back from Athirah's house. I teached her some Maths formula which she don't know and I know. And I did my Maths workbook aswell! And she knows the things I don't know =P Sharing is caring!!! Yippie~~~
After 30 minutes studying (yes, I fast), Sakina took a bath in the small swimming pool outside =.="
I played water...with my leg! =D
And...Athirah nak mandikan Firdaus..So she also basah =.="
Then...Karipap time!!! Eat eat =P Yum yum!
Then...there's leftover dough, we took it and make shapes and fry it =D
Again, YUM YUM!!!
The end! short =.=" Malas nak tulis panjang2, I wanna burn songs in the CD
Getting ready with matches to burn the songs =D
K lah!!! BYE!!!
Note :- To the person who hates to read posts about me, myself and I, please exit this page RIGHT NOW!
School? Fun! Fun! Very fun!!!
No English =D But brought my english exercise books =.="
Perhimpunan? I was "Cepatlah~~~"
Then BM! BM...oklah~~~ (what we do just now ah when BM?)
Oh yah! The didik and the penjodoh bilangan. I'm done with it =D
Then was Sivik! Done with it too! Simply conteng here and there! LMAO
Then KT!!! Yay!!! Makmal Komputer~~~
Like I say, the G floor is much cooler than the 1st floor =D
I had to sit with Farahin eventhough Syafiqah is beside me in the register =.="
Nur Elena
Nuur Farahin
You see the spellings? Gah! Who cares =D
Arifah sat with...Wong Wei Zheng (oooooooo)
LMAO! I checked my blog when the 'kakak' was just behind me O_o"
=.=" Buat bodoh je while Zureen and Arifah had to cover themself and try not to let the 'kakak' see them checking bloggies xD
Draw draw draw! We draw ALIEN~~~ Woohoo!
I did mine...un-excellently
The heart was shaped like a...AYAM
Haha!!! Zureen said "Lah! Alien pown ada tocang"
I 'merajok' tak tentu pasal and stop talking to them xD
I was just acting =D =D =D
And they keep on torturing me...
Felt like kicking them to Pluto =.="
Pluto? Someone's dog...who ah? Lu pikir lah sendiri!!!
Wan can't wash his hands =D Ada kesan tapak tangan Nabilll
xD xD xD
Me and my 2 fellow friends are gonna perform (maybe, dunno yet) when Kem Muhibah...
Singing 'Gemuruh' - Faizal Tahir (OIAM) =D
Tomorrow audition =D
Today started practising xD xD xD
Stupid! Lyric pown x hafal =P
Oh well~~ Gtg...
I wanna print out the lyrics for them and take my bath and pray and eat AYAM and go to Athirah's house to BULLY her =D
Oh...and Firdaus too =D
I bullied Nana a.k.a Liyana a.k.a Nursyafiqah Liyana a.k.a Syafiqah's 3rd younger sis just now when recess - WOOHOO!!!
Old Right Fellow Readers,
Aku baru je balek dari Carrefour (makan malam) and mula lah mcm mcm dlm blog masing2...
Diorang ceriter pasal Sunway Lagoon, aku pown dlm dlm baca, merasakan diri dlm Sunway Lagoon jugak!!! Wahhh ~ Bertuah ah diorang nih! Aku x gi sbb mak aku x kasik =(
Lebih2 lagi, Wan ckp ngan si Nabil!!! Wa selut gilerh gilerh ah dgn Wan nih! Selamba gilerh~~~
Itu cerita Nabil, cerita Wan, cerita Aisya, cerita Maza dan cerita Sunway Lagoon!
Ni cerita AKU plak =.=" Apehal dgn orang2 yg lawat blog aku ni? Tak habes2 mengutok aku.
Apa korang nak? Korang x puas hati ngan aku, aku alu-alukan korang untuk blah dari blog aku. Bukan nk tunjok kurang ajar, tapi dah korang x suka! Dah korang benci! Jadi janganlah layan blog aku. Kalau blog aku tidak menyenangkan ke, aku asyik ceritakan pasal diri aku sendiri ke, sori lah kat korang sebab x dpt memuaskan hati korang... Ampun beribu-ribu ampun lah kat korang! Sori, sori ngan sori! Tapi, takyah lah terok sangat sampai mengutokz melebeyh lebeyh kat cbox aku. Fitnah plak yang ditambahnya. Pastu, muncol lah gosip2 kat skolah dn pada masa yang sama, menyakitkan otak & telinga banyak pihak!
your worst nightmare: you are short you b****.
My comment - Yerlah! Kalau aku dah pendek, pendek lah aku. Kalau ko tinggi, tinggi lah ko! Perlukah ko kasik aku sijil sbb menjadi seorang yg tergolong dalam golongan 'pendek', 'kurus' dan macam2 lagi? Aku x mintak pown! Aku tahu, banyak lagi orang yg tinggi macam Twin Tower dari aku...tapi, itu pown nk jadi bahan gadoh ke?
your worst nightmare: you are an annoying person
My comment - Pada aku, ko lagi annoying bilerh ko cari gadoh dlm cbox! Tolonglah JANGAN layan aku kalau aku annoying...
your worst nightmare: you just want to be as tall as imran
My comment - Buat apa aku nak setinggi Imran? Ko ngah merujuk kat "I want to be 152 cm" ke? Untuk pengetahuan ko, aku rasa Imran bukan 152 cm dan, buat apa aku nak sama tinggi dengan dia?
your worst nightmare: since you LOVE imran so mucch..go an kiss him lah
My comment - Pernahkah di dalam seumur hidup aku, aku kata aku suka Imran? Tak pernahkan? Adakah sbb aku slalu tulis pasal dia dlm blog? Kalau sebab tu, aku rasa yang tu bukan alasan yang munasabah untuk ko tudoh aku suka dia!
your worst nightmare: everything must be about you and your stupid tudung friends
My comment - Salahke kalau aku pasal kawan kawan aku? I appreciate them for being my friend and tells me what is the meaning of "True Friend". Dan tolong jaga mulot sikit sebab diorang ada nama. Suka hati lah diorang nak pakai tudung ke tak? Kenapa ko nak kata 'tudung friends'? Wahai 'your worst nightmare', ko cemburu ke sebab aku tulis pasal kawan aku dn sbb ko x dpt pakai tudung? >_>
your worst nightmare: you are soo beragak and think you are all that.but youre not
My comment - Seperti yang aku tulis dlm blog, rata-rata semua orang dlm Malaysia berlagak. So do you! Tak boleh dinafikan dan aku akui, aku berlagak, sekarang, sebelom, akan datang ataupun sepanjang masa. Kalau ko boleh kata aku berlagak, aku boleh kata kau gedik juga, kan? Oh ya...ko kata "and think you are all that. but youre not"... Memang, aku suka berangan-angan! Kalau ko x percaya, ko boleh tanya kawan2 aku yang lain =.="
Itu je lah yang tertulis dlm cbox blog aku bermula daripada pukul 7:56...
Aku tak tahu apa punca sampai boleh berkelahi...DLM CBOX pulak tu...
Dah lah minggu lalu ada juga orang yg menggunakan nama aku untuk acara fitnah-menfitnah...
Ni dtg lagi satu? Mampoi...
Aku tahu, org tu kenal aku. Kemungkinan sama sekolah juga. Tapi..walau macam mana pown diorang cuba tiru percakapan dan mcm2 lagi ttg aku...they FAIL to do that >_>
Contohnya, minggu lalu, seorang 'hacker' menggunakan nama aku utk fitnah yg KONONNYA aku suka Imran --- One fact :- Hacker tersebut menggunakan 'ku' dihujung setiap ayat yg ditaip olehnya. Wahai PANDAI, aku x gune perkataan 'ku'! Aku cume guna 'aku'!!! 'Ku' hanya untuk digunakan bila aku tgh dlm mood2 dramatic dn sedikit gilerrrr~~~
FAHAM??? =.="Bilalah ko nak berhenti buat keje bodoh? Sampai aku cakap bende2 yg x baek??? =.=" Takde maknenyerrr~~~
See ya tomorrow - Daaaa~~~
Diorang ceriter pasal Sunway Lagoon, aku pown dlm dlm baca, merasakan diri dlm Sunway Lagoon jugak!!! Wahhh ~ Bertuah ah diorang nih! Aku x gi sbb mak aku x kasik =(
Lebih2 lagi, Wan ckp ngan si Nabil!!! Wa selut gilerh gilerh ah dgn Wan nih! Selamba gilerh~~~
Itu cerita Nabil, cerita Wan, cerita Aisya, cerita Maza dan cerita Sunway Lagoon!
Ni cerita AKU plak =.=" Apehal dgn orang2 yg lawat blog aku ni? Tak habes2 mengutok aku.
Apa korang nak? Korang x puas hati ngan aku, aku alu-alukan korang untuk blah dari blog aku. Bukan nk tunjok kurang ajar, tapi dah korang x suka! Dah korang benci! Jadi janganlah layan blog aku. Kalau blog aku tidak menyenangkan ke, aku asyik ceritakan pasal diri aku sendiri ke, sori lah kat korang sebab x dpt memuaskan hati korang... Ampun beribu-ribu ampun lah kat korang! Sori, sori ngan sori! Tapi, takyah lah terok sangat sampai mengutokz melebeyh lebeyh kat cbox aku. Fitnah plak yang ditambahnya. Pastu, muncol lah gosip2 kat skolah dn pada masa yang sama, menyakitkan otak & telinga banyak pihak!
your worst nightmare: you are short you b****.
My comment - Yerlah! Kalau aku dah pendek, pendek lah aku. Kalau ko tinggi, tinggi lah ko! Perlukah ko kasik aku sijil sbb menjadi seorang yg tergolong dalam golongan 'pendek', 'kurus' dan macam2 lagi? Aku x mintak pown! Aku tahu, banyak lagi orang yg tinggi macam Twin Tower dari aku...tapi, itu pown nk jadi bahan gadoh ke?
your worst nightmare: you are an annoying person
My comment - Pada aku, ko lagi annoying bilerh ko cari gadoh dlm cbox! Tolonglah JANGAN layan aku kalau aku annoying...
your worst nightmare: you just want to be as tall as imran
My comment - Buat apa aku nak setinggi Imran? Ko ngah merujuk kat "I want to be 152 cm" ke? Untuk pengetahuan ko, aku rasa Imran bukan 152 cm dan, buat apa aku nak sama tinggi dengan dia?
your worst nightmare: since you LOVE imran so mucch..go an kiss him lah
My comment - Pernahkah di dalam seumur hidup aku, aku kata aku suka Imran? Tak pernahkan? Adakah sbb aku slalu tulis pasal dia dlm blog? Kalau sebab tu, aku rasa yang tu bukan alasan yang munasabah untuk ko tudoh aku suka dia!
your worst nightmare: everything must be about you and your stupid tudung friends
My comment - Salahke kalau aku pasal kawan kawan aku? I appreciate them for being my friend and tells me what is the meaning of "True Friend". Dan tolong jaga mulot sikit sebab diorang ada nama. Suka hati lah diorang nak pakai tudung ke tak? Kenapa ko nak kata 'tudung friends'? Wahai 'your worst nightmare', ko cemburu ke sebab aku tulis pasal kawan aku dn sbb ko x dpt pakai tudung? >_>
your worst nightmare: you are soo beragak and think you are all that.but youre not
My comment - Seperti yang aku tulis dlm blog, rata-rata semua orang dlm Malaysia berlagak. So do you! Tak boleh dinafikan dan aku akui, aku berlagak, sekarang, sebelom, akan datang ataupun sepanjang masa. Kalau ko boleh kata aku berlagak, aku boleh kata kau gedik juga, kan? Oh ya...ko kata "and think you are all that. but youre not"... Memang, aku suka berangan-angan! Kalau ko x percaya, ko boleh tanya kawan2 aku yang lain =.="
Itu je lah yang tertulis dlm cbox blog aku bermula daripada pukul 7:56...
Aku tak tahu apa punca sampai boleh berkelahi...DLM CBOX pulak tu...
Dah lah minggu lalu ada juga orang yg menggunakan nama aku untuk acara fitnah-menfitnah...
Ni dtg lagi satu? Mampoi...
Aku tahu, org tu kenal aku. Kemungkinan sama sekolah juga. Tapi..walau macam mana pown diorang cuba tiru percakapan dan mcm2 lagi ttg aku...they FAIL to do that >_>
Contohnya, minggu lalu, seorang 'hacker' menggunakan nama aku utk fitnah yg KONONNYA aku suka Imran --- One fact :- Hacker tersebut menggunakan 'ku' dihujung setiap ayat yg ditaip olehnya. Wahai PANDAI, aku x gune perkataan 'ku'! Aku cume guna 'aku'!!! 'Ku' hanya untuk digunakan bila aku tgh dlm mood2 dramatic dn sedikit gilerrrr~~~
FAHAM??? =.="Bilalah ko nak berhenti buat keje bodoh? Sampai aku cakap bende2 yg x baek??? =.=" Takde maknenyerrr~~~
See ya tomorrow - Daaaa~~~
Guess Elena's Height
Hi! I'm about to type out the results and answer for my last poll!
"Guess Elena's Height"
None voted for 170 cm
My comment - I'm proud of that!
1 peoples (7%) voted for 140 cm
My comment - I'm not that short. That answer is totally wrong!
2 peoples (14%) voted for 148 cm
My comment - This height is not too short and not too high! Its not my height though...
7 peoples (49%) voted for 152 cm
My comment - Did you fall for my message in the cbox?
0 peoples voted for 149 cm
My comment - Why ah?
4 peoples voted for 154 cm
My comment - Why can't it be a bit shorter?
The correct answer is...
I'm 154 cm!!! The same height as Syafiqah I guess...
Nah~ She's 152 cm! But she's grown taller, she said so last Friday since she's almost the same height as I am!
I wanna be 152 cm though =P Dunno why!
P/S - Arifah & Zureen, sorry if you fall for the CBOX message by me...-teehee- Especially to Arifah =P
Muhahahahaha! Good Girl Gone Tricky - WOOHOO!!!
Check out my LATEST poll!!!
So tired!
What a tired day!!!
Argh~~~ Finally did my English T_T
Finding my BM paper Pn. Azlina gave O_o"
Drinking lychee and eating Mamee right now (na na na)
Not much are online now...
3 out of many friends are online in my MSN
3 out of many friends are online in my YM
5 out of many friends are online in Myspace
and none in my mind =.="
Arifah is off!!! Gah!!! Another boring messenger =.="
Aisya, Wan & Zureen ain't online too!!!
I want the YM Radio again!!!
Speaking bout radio...
-turns on Fly FM-
"Touch my body, put me on the floor~~~"
Last year, that song was famous in class xD
Or was it the past 2 years? Hu cares :P
"That was FlyFM's 1O1"
The radio said that!
"When I'm with him I am, thinking of youuu..."
Yay! One of my fav =P
Back to YM...
Arifah go PWTC =.="
Cis! Have Rumah Pink Kak Ain Maisarah lah!!!
Aku x!
A note to Arifah - Good Luck in finding Impiana 3!!!
Another note to Arifah - Don't forget to lend me - xD
Last note to Arifah - Buy books about you (aeroplane) too!
Anyways...I gtg =D
Tata~ I'll be on in MSN & YM though!
Chat with me...I BEG YOU!!! -PLEASE-
I'll give you the BiBimBap =)
So~~~ Tata!!!
Argh~~~ Finally did my English T_T
Finding my BM paper Pn. Azlina gave O_o"
Drinking lychee and eating Mamee right now (na na na)
Not much are online now...
3 out of many friends are online in my MSN
3 out of many friends are online in my YM
5 out of many friends are online in Myspace
and none in my mind =.="
Arifah is off!!! Gah!!! Another boring messenger =.="
Aisya, Wan & Zureen ain't online too!!!
I want the YM Radio again!!!
Speaking bout radio...
-turns on Fly FM-
"Touch my body, put me on the floor~~~"
Last year, that song was famous in class xD
Or was it the past 2 years? Hu cares :P
"That was FlyFM's 1O1"
The radio said that!
"When I'm with him I am, thinking of youuu..."
Yay! One of my fav =P
Back to YM...
Arifah go PWTC =.="
Cis! Have Rumah Pink Kak Ain Maisarah lah!!!
Aku x!
A note to Arifah - Good Luck in finding Impiana 3!!!
Another note to Arifah - Don't forget to lend me - xD
Last note to Arifah - Buy books about you (aeroplane) too!
Anyways...I gtg =D
Tata~ I'll be on in MSN & YM though!
Chat with me...I BEG YOU!!! -PLEASE-
I'll give you the BiBimBap =)
So~~~ Tata!!!
Last Night
Its me again in >_>
So bored right now...Apparently, 0 is online right now!
So I'm just shaking my leg doing nothing here at 8:00 a.m. (19 April)
Tomorrow is school day and guess what?
My books and homeworks are sleeping in my retarded red school bag =D
Now, what should I write?
Gahhhh! Just read~~~
Last night, I went to my sister's house.
Open the car door, sit on the chair or whatever it is at 7:00 and reached my sister's house in Bangi, Kajang at 8:30...
Firstly, gave my sister all the things we (me & my mom) bought at Mydin, USJ 6 for her.
Then, clean the AYAM and put it in the freezer
Ooooo and then~~~ Akademi Fantasia~~~
But nahhhhh! We (me, my mom and my sis) left the television. No one was watching it.
Instead, the television was watching my dad & my bro-in-law.
We cooked, MAGGI!!! Yay!!!
And ate burger that we bought from USJ 4 before coming to my sister's house.
Yes! It was cold... so... WE DID NOTHING AND ATE IT =D
Yadda3, we watched Akademi Fantasia (at last!) at 9:15 p.m. while eating Raisins and 'Keropok Ikan'
Oh! And drinking Ribena too (since when my sister loves Rubella?)
I think, the best performance for last night is Hafiz & Qhaud...
Unfortunately, Qhaud was OUT~~~!!!
My sister : Yang paling best keluar malam ni?
Me : Bongok ah pengundi2 tu!!!
My sister : Yang paling best keluar malam ni?
Me : Tu lah! Cheche tak undi~~!!!
My sister : Ye lah...tapi diorang x pandai pilih lah!
Me : Huahhhhhhh~~~!!!
My sister : Sepatutnya Yazid yang keluar...
My mom : Sepatutnya Aishah yang keluar!
Me : Aishah boleh tahan perh...Yazid yg x best! =(
P/S - I hate Aishah's new hair =D
And yadda3...
and I continued eating raisins (LOVE IT)
At 10:45, we went home...
So nothing much happened =D
But there was something =.="
But I'm lazeh to type =D
So~~~ Bye!!!
P/S - In case you forgot, Miss G a.k.a Miss Geetha, wants the thinggy about foods and drinks ready in your E2/E1 by TOMOROW!!! (That is if tomorrow have English...I'm not sure)
Its me again in >_>
So bored right now...Apparently, 0 is online right now!
So I'm just shaking my leg doing nothing here at 8:00 a.m. (19 April)
Tomorrow is school day and guess what?
My books and homeworks are sleeping in my retarded red school bag =D
Now, what should I write?
Gahhhh! Just read~~~
Last night, I went to my sister's house.
Open the car door, sit on the chair or whatever it is at 7:00 and reached my sister's house in Bangi, Kajang at 8:30...
Firstly, gave my sister all the things we (me & my mom) bought at Mydin, USJ 6 for her.
Then, clean the AYAM and put it in the freezer
Ooooo and then~~~ Akademi Fantasia~~~
But nahhhhh! We (me, my mom and my sis) left the television. No one was watching it.
Instead, the television was watching my dad & my bro-in-law.
We cooked, MAGGI!!! Yay!!!
And ate burger that we bought from USJ 4 before coming to my sister's house.
Yes! It was cold... so... WE DID NOTHING AND ATE IT =D
Yadda3, we watched Akademi Fantasia (at last!) at 9:15 p.m. while eating Raisins and 'Keropok Ikan'
Oh! And drinking Ribena too (since when my sister loves Rubella?)
I think, the best performance for last night is Hafiz & Qhaud...
Unfortunately, Qhaud was OUT~~~!!!
My sister : Yang paling best keluar malam ni?
Me : Bongok ah pengundi2 tu!!!
My sister : Yang paling best keluar malam ni?
Me : Tu lah! Cheche tak undi~~!!!
My sister : Ye lah...tapi diorang x pandai pilih lah!
Me : Huahhhhhhh~~~!!!
My sister : Sepatutnya Yazid yang keluar...
My mom : Sepatutnya Aishah yang keluar!
Me : Aishah boleh tahan perh...Yazid yg x best! =(
P/S - I hate Aishah's new hair =D
And yadda3...
and I continued eating raisins (LOVE IT)
At 10:45, we went home...
So nothing much happened =D
But there was something =.="
But I'm lazeh to type =D
So~~~ Bye!!!
P/S - In case you forgot, Miss G a.k.a Miss Geetha, wants the thinggy about foods and drinks ready in your E2/E1 by TOMOROW!!! (That is if tomorrow have English...I'm not sure)
It's been a long time I haven't watched Naruto Shippuden online
I haven't watch the manga for a long time too!!!
Blaming the blog this time for distracting me
I wonder what happened to Naruto, Sakura, Hinata and Tsunade!
Oh yeah, and Sasuke too!
Jiraiya the manga lah!
Now not yet, its gonna be a long time Jiraiya's gonna be dead xD
The last time I watched Naruto Shippuden is between 1-15 December 2008
and that time, I stopped at episode 60!
The title of the episode is...humph...
No! The title is not I forgot!!!, I just forgot the title!
=.=" Internet running slow so I can't load the link where I'm watching Naruto Shippuden...AGAIN!
I'm gonna have to take a long time watching it!
I can bet Dattebayo released over 100 episodes of Naruto Shippuden already =(
Is Deidara dead yet?
Last time, I talk about Naruto 24/7 =.="
Besides blogging and yadda3...
Now? 0/7 xD
K lah~~~ Wanna watch it NOW!
I haven't watch the manga for a long time too!!!
Blaming the blog this time for distracting me
I wonder what happened to Naruto, Sakura, Hinata and Tsunade!
Oh yeah, and Sasuke too!
Jiraiya the manga lah!
Now not yet, its gonna be a long time Jiraiya's gonna be dead xD
The last time I watched Naruto Shippuden is between 1-15 December 2008
and that time, I stopped at episode 60!
The title of the episode is...humph...
No! The title is not I forgot!!!, I just forgot the title!
=.=" Internet running slow so I can't load the link where I'm watching Naruto Shippuden...AGAIN!
I'm gonna have to take a long time watching it!
I can bet Dattebayo released over 100 episodes of Naruto Shippuden already =(
Is Deidara dead yet?
Last time, I talk about Naruto 24/7 =.="
Besides blogging and yadda3...
Now? 0/7 xD
K lah~~~ Wanna watch it NOW!
Test! Test! Test!
Ngantok ahh~~~
Apa aku buat? Ko tengok ah jadual aku dari pagi tadi
6: 30 - bangon solat
6:45 - tido
8:15 - bangon, mandi, bersedia untuk ujian B.O.B
8:45 - bukak komputer, log in B.O.B
9:oo - ujian telah bermula, aku sebok dgn WMP
9:20 - ujian berakhir, aku baru ingat aku blom buat ujian
Ngok ngek ah kepala aku!
Nak ingat satu benda pown tokleh =.="
Ish! Geram D:< BM terlepas T_T
Takpe~~~ Tadi aku buat English
Senang gak ah =D
Sekarang aku ada masa 15 minit untuk rehat!
So I'm gonna use it wisely =D
Aku akan :-
-update blog
-buat revision Science seblom ujian bermula menggunakan pakej revision B.O.B
-dengar lagu dari Fly FM
-cari soalan untuk STUDY GROUP
Wisely x? LMAO!!!
Ok gak ahhhh~~~
Aku dlm process mencari soalan untuk subjek English for study group!
Nak cari susah~~~ nk bunoh member-member group aku xD
Just Kidding...but seriously!
Cari susah2 ah bagos, boleh sedia untuk UPSR yg semakin dekat
Lebih kurang 2kilometer dekat dari kitorang =D
T_T Ckp pasal UPSR...takot~~~
Sekejap je masa berlalu, x sempat aku nak ckp "Hi" kat jam aku
Baru hari tu ujian bulanan, skarang peperiksaan
baru sekejap bulan April, skrang nk Jun
baru sekejap update blog, 4 lagu dlm Fly FM dah habis dimainkan
O___o" bengap~~ pahal pasal blog plak ni =.="
Baca blog Icya...
rasa macam nak makan Pizza =.="
Lapar!!! Urgh~~~
Takpe takpe, nnt aku bawak pizza pegi skolah Isnin ni =D
Kalau aku mintak duit dari mak/bapa aku nk beli pizza bawak skolah...
Boleh mati sekelip mata o____o
Birthday aku boleh lah kowt
Aku nk buat kat skolah/McD/rumah
Duit pown x kumpol! Angan2 je =.="
K lah! Aku nk buat test Science and cari soalan utk English lagi~
So bye! Nnt aku continue blogging keyh?
P/S - Feel free to love Ryan =D
Note - Chat with me!!!
Ngantok ahh~~~
Apa aku buat? Ko tengok ah jadual aku dari pagi tadi
6: 30 - bangon solat
6:45 - tido
8:15 - bangon, mandi, bersedia untuk ujian B.O.B
8:45 - bukak komputer, log in B.O.B
9:oo - ujian telah bermula, aku sebok dgn WMP
9:20 - ujian berakhir, aku baru ingat aku blom buat ujian
Ngok ngek ah kepala aku!
Nak ingat satu benda pown tokleh =.="
Ish! Geram D:< BM terlepas T_T
Takpe~~~ Tadi aku buat English
Senang gak ah =D
Sekarang aku ada masa 15 minit untuk rehat!
So I'm gonna use it wisely =D
Aku akan :-
-update blog
-buat revision Science seblom ujian bermula menggunakan pakej revision B.O.B
-dengar lagu dari Fly FM
-cari soalan untuk STUDY GROUP
Wisely x? LMAO!!!
Ok gak ahhhh~~~
Aku dlm process mencari soalan untuk subjek English for study group!
Nak cari susah~~~ nk bunoh member-member group aku xD
Just Kidding...but seriously!
Cari susah2 ah bagos, boleh sedia untuk UPSR yg semakin dekat
Lebih kurang 2kilometer dekat dari kitorang =D
T_T Ckp pasal UPSR...takot~~~
Sekejap je masa berlalu, x sempat aku nak ckp "Hi" kat jam aku
Baru hari tu ujian bulanan, skarang peperiksaan
baru sekejap bulan April, skrang nk Jun
baru sekejap update blog, 4 lagu dlm Fly FM dah habis dimainkan
O___o" bengap~~ pahal pasal blog plak ni =.="
Baca blog Icya...
rasa macam nak makan Pizza =.="
Lapar!!! Urgh~~~
Takpe takpe, nnt aku bawak pizza pegi skolah Isnin ni =D
Kalau aku mintak duit dari mak/bapa aku nk beli pizza bawak skolah...
Boleh mati sekelip mata o____o
Birthday aku boleh lah kowt
Aku nk buat kat skolah/McD/rumah
Duit pown x kumpol! Angan2 je =.="
K lah! Aku nk buat test Science and cari soalan utk English lagi~
So bye! Nnt aku continue blogging keyh?
P/S - Feel free to love Ryan =D
Note - Chat with me!!!
Woohoo!!! Ryan updated a NEW video!!!
Its called the Childrenz BOP!
I love all the parts!!!
-I hate music that sounds good!
-Just dancee~~~
-P p p pokerface
-Crack a bottle
-Your BiBimBap is getting cold
-Not 19.99, not 14.99 but 42.99!!
Enjoy watching it AGAIN!!!
Its called the Childrenz BOP!
I love all the parts!!!
-I hate music that sounds good!
-Just dancee~~~
-P p p pokerface
-Crack a bottle
-Your BiBimBap is getting cold
-Not 19.99, not 14.99 but 42.99!!
Enjoy watching it AGAIN!!!
Mengada-ngada Betol!
Ish! Zureen!!! Puas hati x sekarang?
Warna pink pink dh blog aku skarang ni!!!
Itu pown, dia maseh x puas hati!
Dia nk cbox aku lain wane walaupun dh Pink =.="
Geli aku tengok T_T
Ah...biar ahh~~~
Baik bye2 kat warna hijau seketika..
Bila dh bleyh edit layout, baru aku menghijaukan blog aku sepuas-puasnya =D
Penat giler dowh!
Tadi aku cuba fandub sebanyak 3 kali!!!
Tapi setiap satu, mesti ada kesalahan pergunaan suara =(
Tempo plak x ikot! Apa lah Elena nih!!!
Lepas tu...buat bodoh je lah =D
Zureen plak on =.='
Dia ngengada lagi...g kata wane blog aku masih menggelikan =.="
Aku bunoh dia ngan garpu kang...baru tahu
Bau sedap je...
Mak aku masak apa ek?
Macam Shinbei dari Ninja Boy plak aku ni skarang...
Hehehe~~~ AYAM ada x?
Aku suka ayam yg gune banyak rempah! Lagi banyak, lagi sedapppp
-tamak makanan-
Tapi..aku makan ke tak pown...
badan, maintaiinnnnn~~~ TAK GEMOK2!!!
Aku nak gemok ahhh~~~ I mean...x lah gemok sangat!
Sederhanalah~~~ skarang ni...aku dh terlampau kurus!
Makan banyak mana pown kuros!
65% drpd 100% makanan yg aku makan setiap hari berlemak...
phal aku x berlemak? D:<
Esok aku ada ujian B.O.B
Battle of the brain dlm PC
Competition...semoga aku dpt jawab ngan baik!
Ujian mula kol 9 pagi...
Aku akn update kol...8 pagi kowt!!!
Sbb...kol 6:30 nk bangon solat, pastu tido balek...(xD)
Bangon kol 7:30... ah!!! Pandai2 lah aku tetapkan masa nk main komputer esok D:<
K lah! Bye ~~~
Warna pink pink dh blog aku skarang ni!!!
Itu pown, dia maseh x puas hati!
Dia nk cbox aku lain wane walaupun dh Pink =.="
Geli aku tengok T_T
Ah...biar ahh~~~
Baik bye2 kat warna hijau seketika..
Bila dh bleyh edit layout, baru aku menghijaukan blog aku sepuas-puasnya =D
Penat giler dowh!
Tadi aku cuba fandub sebanyak 3 kali!!!
Tapi setiap satu, mesti ada kesalahan pergunaan suara =(
Tempo plak x ikot! Apa lah Elena nih!!!
Lepas tu...buat bodoh je lah =D
Zureen plak on =.='
Dia ngengada lagi...g kata wane blog aku masih menggelikan =.="
Aku bunoh dia ngan garpu kang...baru tahu
Bau sedap je...
Mak aku masak apa ek?
Macam Shinbei dari Ninja Boy plak aku ni skarang...
Hehehe~~~ AYAM ada x?
Aku suka ayam yg gune banyak rempah! Lagi banyak, lagi sedapppp
-tamak makanan-
Tapi..aku makan ke tak pown...
badan, maintaiinnnnn~~~ TAK GEMOK2!!!
Aku nak gemok ahhh~~~ I mean...x lah gemok sangat!
Sederhanalah~~~ skarang ni...aku dh terlampau kurus!
Makan banyak mana pown kuros!
65% drpd 100% makanan yg aku makan setiap hari berlemak...
phal aku x berlemak? D:<
Esok aku ada ujian B.O.B
Battle of the brain dlm PC
Competition...semoga aku dpt jawab ngan baik!
Ujian mula kol 9 pagi...
Aku akn update kol...8 pagi kowt!!!
Sbb...kol 6:30 nk bangon solat, pastu tido balek...(xD)
Bangon kol 7:30... ah!!! Pandai2 lah aku tetapkan masa nk main komputer esok D:<
K lah! Bye ~~~
Zureen D:<
Zureen!!! X puas2 ejek orang =(
Tapi...cube tengok latest post dia!
Bengap + Lawak + Menggeramkan
Sejak bila pulak aku Juliet?
Sejak bila Imran Romeo?
Mmg dh sah...
Dah sah Zureen GILERRR!!!
Blog Zureen
Latest post Zureen
K lah~~~ Bye
P/S - Changed my blog colour..AGAIN!
Tapi...cube tengok latest post dia!
Bengap + Lawak + Menggeramkan
Sejak bila pulak aku Juliet?
Sejak bila Imran Romeo?
Mmg dh sah...
Dah sah Zureen GILERRR!!!
Blog Zureen
Latest post Zureen
K lah~~~ Bye
P/S - Changed my blog colour..AGAIN!
Bilik ICT
Yeap! Kitorang g Bilik ICT yg baru bukak tadi kat skolah =D
Bukan bilik ICU ye... xD
Pompuan naik atas, laki kat bawah...
Tak achik! Bilik atas lagi panas dari bilik bawah D:<
Anyways, kitorang diberi URL untuk jawab soalan2...
Kalau markah tinggi, boleh pergi sekolah menengah khas!
Kemudian, kalau dapat jawab soalan perinkat UKM 2, boleh g Universiti tu ah!
Susah dowh soalan dia! Hentam je banyak xD
Sama ah mcm Fiqah =D Kitorang ada tiru2 sikit - teehee
Lepas habis jawab soalan, aku nampak yg cikgu x de,
Syafiqah blom siap jawab...kawan2 khusyuk, aku bosan...
So~~~ Aku g check blog aku, zureen, imran ngan wan!
Pastu, aku g myspace...aku log in =D
Lepas 1 minit, aku log out xD xD xD
Bilerh aku betul2 bosan...aku g bukak window utk msn tu,
sedangku menulis password, aku terlihat En. Riduan masok bilik tingkat atas!
Takot...x jadi ah nk log in - LMAO
Membosankan lagiiii~~~ Aku pown bukak blog lagi skali!
Guess what? Aku log in and tekan 'create post'
Yahooo~~~ Tapi...malang tidak berbau harum =.="
Aku teringat yg ada CCTV ngan ada cikgu!
Cepat2 tutup T_T
Allah tengok jugak....ehehe...amponkan aku =(
Akhirnya!!! Syafiqah habes jawab soalan =D
Kitorang malas nk masok kelas, jadi kitorang tolong kawan2 yg lain jawab soalan O___o"
CCTV, jangan lah beritahu cikgu yg kitorang kasik jawapan =(
Lps dh jwb soalan and yadda3, aku ngan Fiqah tolong cikgu untuk scan setiap komputer dlm bilik ICT tingkat 1 & 2!
Pastu...g rehat!
Yay~~~ tp, lps mkn, tlg En. Nadzrawi plak...
Tapi x pe! Utk bilik ICT dan untuk cikgu~~~ KITORANG SANGGUP xD
Lepas tolong, Puan Azma plak panggel aku & Fiqah ke kelas 5U...
Kes tentang semalam lahhhh~~~ pe lagi =.="
Tu sbb aku ngan Fiqah masok kelas SEDIKIT lambat~!
Lepas jumpa Puan Azma, Syafiqah pulak jumpa Pn. Azlina...
Bla and bla and bla... CASE CLOSED!!! YIPPIE!!!
Hamper satu kelas tahu T_T
Haihh~~~ siapa lah yg sebarkan surat aku kasik tu =.="
Tapi best gak bila sume PEREMPUAN YG MAIN HOKI memihak sebelah Syafiqah =D
Tadi ada blaja BM - buku rabbit...
Sedang aku menyelak page ke page, aku nmpk sesuatu ttg AEROPLANE =D
last but not least, AYAM!!! =.="
Kemudian ada lah satu soalan ni..
Jawapan dia 'BUSUK HATI'
My comment : Busuknya hati dia =.="
Hari ni ada Qiyamullai (sori kalau tersilap ejaan) untuk Skolah Agama Al-Falakh
Aisya mesti x sabar ah tuh~~~ =.="
X habes habes sebut nama _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!!
Geram aku mendengar =.=" K lahhh~~~ nk chat ngan Arifah + Makan
Bukan bilik ICU ye... xD
Pompuan naik atas, laki kat bawah...
Tak achik! Bilik atas lagi panas dari bilik bawah D:<
Anyways, kitorang diberi URL untuk jawab soalan2...
Kalau markah tinggi, boleh pergi sekolah menengah khas!
Kemudian, kalau dapat jawab soalan perinkat UKM 2, boleh g Universiti tu ah!
Susah dowh soalan dia! Hentam je banyak xD
Sama ah mcm Fiqah =D Kitorang ada tiru2 sikit - teehee
Lepas habis jawab soalan, aku nampak yg cikgu x de,
Syafiqah blom siap jawab...kawan2 khusyuk, aku bosan...
So~~~ Aku g check blog aku, zureen, imran ngan wan!
Pastu, aku g myspace...aku log in =D
Lepas 1 minit, aku log out xD xD xD
Bilerh aku betul2 bosan...aku g bukak window utk msn tu,
sedangku menulis password, aku terlihat En. Riduan masok bilik tingkat atas!
Takot...x jadi ah nk log in - LMAO
Membosankan lagiiii~~~ Aku pown bukak blog lagi skali!
Guess what? Aku log in and tekan 'create post'
Yahooo~~~ Tapi...malang tidak berbau harum =.="
Aku teringat yg ada CCTV ngan ada cikgu!
Cepat2 tutup T_T
Allah tengok jugak....ehehe...amponkan aku =(
Akhirnya!!! Syafiqah habes jawab soalan =D
Kitorang malas nk masok kelas, jadi kitorang tolong kawan2 yg lain jawab soalan O___o"
CCTV, jangan lah beritahu cikgu yg kitorang kasik jawapan =(
Lps dh jwb soalan and yadda3, aku ngan Fiqah tolong cikgu untuk scan setiap komputer dlm bilik ICT tingkat 1 & 2!
Pastu...g rehat!
Yay~~~ tp, lps mkn, tlg En. Nadzrawi plak...
Tapi x pe! Utk bilik ICT dan untuk cikgu~~~ KITORANG SANGGUP xD
Lepas tolong, Puan Azma plak panggel aku & Fiqah ke kelas 5U...
Kes tentang semalam lahhhh~~~ pe lagi =.="
Tu sbb aku ngan Fiqah masok kelas SEDIKIT lambat~!
Lepas jumpa Puan Azma, Syafiqah pulak jumpa Pn. Azlina...
Bla and bla and bla... CASE CLOSED!!! YIPPIE!!!
Hamper satu kelas tahu T_T
Haihh~~~ siapa lah yg sebarkan surat aku kasik tu =.="
Tapi best gak bila sume PEREMPUAN YG MAIN HOKI memihak sebelah Syafiqah =D
Tadi ada blaja BM - buku rabbit...
Sedang aku menyelak page ke page, aku nmpk sesuatu ttg AEROPLANE =D
last but not least, AYAM!!! =.="
Kemudian ada lah satu soalan ni..
Jawapan dia 'BUSUK HATI'
My comment : Busuknya hati dia =.="
Hari ni ada Qiyamullai (sori kalau tersilap ejaan) untuk Skolah Agama Al-Falakh
Aisya mesti x sabar ah tuh~~~ =.="
X habes habes sebut nama _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!!
Geram aku mendengar =.=" K lahhh~~~ nk chat ngan Arifah + Makan
Maths... -sobs-
Seblom aku mula ckp ttg pape...
Biar aku ckp sesuatu dulu...
1st. Aku dh tuka warna cbox, playlist ngan layout blog aku skali!
Weird gilerr blog aku +___+"
2nd. Aku rasa aku nak daftar utk kaunseling ngan 2 org kawan baik aku...
Arghhh!!! Knp ko tanya? Saje je...tokleh ke?
& yang ni baru nk ckp merujukkan topik...
Aku nk kertas Maths lahhhh~~~
En. Zaidi pergi kursus.
Dikatakan untuk balik hari ni! So...maybe esok cikgu dtg skolah kowt.
Itu pown x tahu cikgu dh tanda kertas ke belom..
Harap2 dah lah!!!
Setiap hari...
Mama : Elena, kertas Maths dpt berapa?
Elena : Belom dpt lagi la~~~
50% drpd klas punya mak/bapak mesti tanya mcm tu setiap hari =.="
Oh well...aku nk belah dulu lah dude!!!
Oh yeah!!!
Note for the 'Late Readers' daripada SK Seafield, 6Rajin... :-
Maybe most of you knew this and some of you might forgot it...
Kemahiran Hidup ada homework page 43 and 45!
Salin sume benda! Page 43 (B), korang boleh photostate!
BYE BYE!!!~~~
Biar aku ckp sesuatu dulu...
1st. Aku dh tuka warna cbox, playlist ngan layout blog aku skali!
Weird gilerr blog aku +___+"
2nd. Aku rasa aku nak daftar utk kaunseling ngan 2 org kawan baik aku...
Arghhh!!! Knp ko tanya? Saje je...tokleh ke?
& yang ni baru nk ckp merujukkan topik...
Aku nk kertas Maths lahhhh~~~
En. Zaidi pergi kursus.
Dikatakan untuk balik hari ni! So...maybe esok cikgu dtg skolah kowt.
Itu pown x tahu cikgu dh tanda kertas ke belom..
Harap2 dah lah!!!
Setiap hari...
Mama : Elena, kertas Maths dpt berapa?
Elena : Belom dpt lagi la~~~
50% drpd klas punya mak/bapak mesti tanya mcm tu setiap hari =.="
Oh well...aku nk belah dulu lah dude!!!
Oh yeah!!!
Note for the 'Late Readers' daripada SK Seafield, 6Rajin... :-
Maybe most of you knew this and some of you might forgot it...
Kemahiran Hidup ada homework page 43 and 45!
Salin sume benda! Page 43 (B), korang boleh photostate!
BYE BYE!!!~~~
GBS dan rakan2 kini kembali!
Yeap! GBS kini kembali!
Maksod aku bukan GBS dlm Astro Ceria tuh!
Tapi, GBS version mak-mak turh xD
=D Aku g rumah Athirah tadi...ada jamuan ringan saja-saja utk mak-mak xD
Aku makan, makan, makan, di samping buat homework ngan main basikal!
Aku berjaya menghabiskan Bahagian C, BM aku! Tapi ku rasa mcm ada homework yg lain! Humph, pe ek?
Anyways! Aku main basikal ngan Haziq tadi! Adik kepada Dannil Adzha yg berusia 12 tahun.
Dia naik basikal kakak dia dowh! Tinggi gilerh~
-Jangan pandang rendah kat org lain! T_T
Aku naik basikal tu pown nk terjatuh-jatuh!
Dah lama x main basikal dowh~~~
Basikal aku hilang! X tau mana. Mungkin dlm stor kot! Kalau dlm stor pown mesti x de angin..
Haihhh~~~Jap! Aku tanya mak aku!
Mak aku ckp, dh kasik org dh sbb basikal tu terlalu pendek utk aku!
Basikal tu sbnrnya hadiah hari jadi dr ayah aku bila aku darjah 2/3
Aku kene blaja sendiri dowh! T_T Perkara yg memeritkan.
Aku nk roundabout tu pown nk jatoh mcm org gilerrr terguling guling.
Naseb baik ayh aku ada jaga kat tepi! Kalau x, dh jatuh dh!
Walaubagaimanapun, aku ttp jatuh sebanyak 3/4 kali!
Ah! Biar ah basikal aku ikot owner yg lain =D
Drpd dia tokleh dimain oleh aku, baek kasik org =.="
Anways! Td aku main ngan si Aus gak! Nama panjang dia Firdaus.
Firdaus ni dikirakan adik angkat Athirah lah sbb mak dia sebagai babysitter =P
Aku sukeeeee
Main ngan dia best! Mcm biasa, sume baby yg jumpa aku, mesti tarek rambut dulu T_T
Saket tau tak! Kalau x tarek rambut, dia tersengeh-sengeh pastu adalah muslihat bengap dia tu =.="
Makan banyak!!! Bubur, semangkuk besar dpt habiskan dlm masa 10-20 minit!
Aku g angkat dia, dia pndg jeeee
Pastu, bila dia disuap makan, dia pndg aku jeeee
Chumeelll~~!!! Mata dia dh lah besar!!! =D
Mak Athirah : Firdaus gatal ye? Pandang ank dara org jeee!
LMAO!!! xD !!! LOL!!! =D !!!
Anyways! Zureen ckp wane blog aku menggelikan!
Sabar je lahhh yeee smpai aku dpt meng-fix-kan blog layout aku nih!
K lah~ Bye!!!
Maksod aku bukan GBS dlm Astro Ceria tuh!
Tapi, GBS version mak-mak turh xD
=D Aku g rumah Athirah tadi...ada jamuan ringan saja-saja utk mak-mak xD
Aku makan, makan, makan, di samping buat homework ngan main basikal!
Aku berjaya menghabiskan Bahagian C, BM aku! Tapi ku rasa mcm ada homework yg lain! Humph, pe ek?
Anyways! Aku main basikal ngan Haziq tadi! Adik kepada Dannil Adzha yg berusia 12 tahun.
Dia naik basikal kakak dia dowh! Tinggi gilerh~
-Jangan pandang rendah kat org lain! T_T
Aku naik basikal tu pown nk terjatuh-jatuh!
Dah lama x main basikal dowh~~~
Basikal aku hilang! X tau mana. Mungkin dlm stor kot! Kalau dlm stor pown mesti x de angin..
Haihhh~~~Jap! Aku tanya mak aku!
Mak aku ckp, dh kasik org dh sbb basikal tu terlalu pendek utk aku!
Basikal tu sbnrnya hadiah hari jadi dr ayah aku bila aku darjah 2/3
Aku kene blaja sendiri dowh! T_T Perkara yg memeritkan.
Aku nk roundabout tu pown nk jatoh mcm org gilerrr terguling guling.
Naseb baik ayh aku ada jaga kat tepi! Kalau x, dh jatuh dh!
Walaubagaimanapun, aku ttp jatuh sebanyak 3/4 kali!
Ah! Biar ah basikal aku ikot owner yg lain =D
Drpd dia tokleh dimain oleh aku, baek kasik org =.="
Anways! Td aku main ngan si Aus gak! Nama panjang dia Firdaus.
Firdaus ni dikirakan adik angkat Athirah lah sbb mak dia sebagai babysitter =P
Aku sukeeeee
Main ngan dia best! Mcm biasa, sume baby yg jumpa aku, mesti tarek rambut dulu T_T
Saket tau tak! Kalau x tarek rambut, dia tersengeh-sengeh pastu adalah muslihat bengap dia tu =.="
Makan banyak!!! Bubur, semangkuk besar dpt habiskan dlm masa 10-20 minit!
Aku g angkat dia, dia pndg jeeee
Pastu, bila dia disuap makan, dia pndg aku jeeee
Chumeelll~~!!! Mata dia dh lah besar!!! =D
Mak Athirah : Firdaus gatal ye? Pandang ank dara org jeee!
LMAO!!! xD !!! LOL!!! =D !!!
Anyways! Zureen ckp wane blog aku menggelikan!
Sabar je lahhh yeee smpai aku dpt meng-fix-kan blog layout aku nih!
K lah~ Bye!!!
How Stupid!!!
Hi friends!!!
LMAO!!! The first one I want to say is :- WHY AM I SO STUPID!!!
No wonder I can't add colours in my post!!!
And no wonder there's no colour button in my post!!!
It's post option was under 'Edit HTML', not Compose!!!
Shooot!!! How dumb!!
I found that out when I was typing and posting in my private blog xD
Now let me see if I can solve the layout problem.
So...bye ^^
And~~~ Muahahahhaha!!! Now I can colour my post~~~
LMAO!!! The first one I want to say is :- WHY AM I SO STUPID!!!
No wonder I can't add colours in my post!!!
And no wonder there's no colour button in my post!!!
It's post option was under 'Edit HTML', not Compose!!!
Shooot!!! How dumb!!
I found that out when I was typing and posting in my private blog xD
Now let me see if I can solve the layout problem.
So...bye ^^
And~~~ Muahahahhaha!!! Now I can colour my post~~~
Are you asking about Ko-kurikulum?
My opinion :- It's fun!!!
Usahawan Muda? Oklah~~~
We have to clean the Taman Herba =)
Me, Maza and Farisyah was killing a rubber tree xD
We call ourselves the P.A!!!
No!!! Not Personal Assistant~~~
We are the Perosak Alam!!!
=.=" Not all the time though...
Sometimes we're the Pencinta Alam...SOMETIMES xD xD xD
I'm the Setiausaha so I have to do all the typing and writing =D
And every week I hafta take the book from Puan Nik Sabariah's room and take the attendance. Then I have to write the activities and yadda3
So it all makes sense that I have to write neatly starting from now =.="
Badminton was ok ok lahhh
I suck at the surf part thinggy majify - LMAO
I'm in Pn. Vimala's group =D
With Vanessa, Sarah & Shaiyla!
Played badminton with Nessa just now!
It was fun...but again, I suck =.="
Who cares!!! I had fun!!!
But its no fun without playing the right way D:<
But its FUN!!! =D =D =D
Vanessa keeps onnnnn
Nessa : Yo, El!!!
Elena : WHAT~~~!!!
Nessa : Yo, El!!!
Elena : WHAT~~~!!!
Nessa : Yo, El!!!
Elena : WHAT~~~!!!
Oh no! I have a secret!! Wanna know?
Shuushhhhh~~~ Don't tell anyone!!!
I did not buy my koko card yet!!! D:<
=.=" Anyways...tomorrow PJ!!!
Hand Sanitizer, here I comeeee
=.=" Darn it!
Homework...not done with it =.="
K lah ~ Bye!
See ya tomorrow!!!
Usahawan Muda? Oklah~~~
We have to clean the Taman Herba =)
Me, Maza and Farisyah was killing a rubber tree xD
We call ourselves the P.A!!!
No!!! Not Personal Assistant~~~
We are the Perosak Alam!!!
=.=" Not all the time though...
Sometimes we're the Pencinta Alam...SOMETIMES xD xD xD
I'm the Setiausaha so I have to do all the typing and writing =D
And every week I hafta take the book from Puan Nik Sabariah's room and take the attendance. Then I have to write the activities and yadda3
So it all makes sense that I have to write neatly starting from now =.="
Badminton was ok ok lahhh
I suck at the surf part thinggy majify - LMAO
I'm in Pn. Vimala's group =D
With Vanessa, Sarah & Shaiyla!
Played badminton with Nessa just now!
It was fun...but again, I suck =.="
Who cares!!! I had fun!!!
But its no fun without playing the right way D:<
But its FUN!!! =D =D =D
Vanessa keeps onnnnn
Nessa : Yo, El!!!
Elena : WHAT~~~!!!
Nessa : Yo, El!!!
Elena : WHAT~~~!!!
Nessa : Yo, El!!!
Elena : WHAT~~~!!!
Oh no! I have a secret!! Wanna know?
Shuushhhhh~~~ Don't tell anyone!!!
I did not buy my koko card yet!!! D:<
=.=" Anyways...tomorrow PJ!!!
Hand Sanitizer, here I comeeee
=.=" Darn it!
Homework...not done with it =.="
K lah ~ Bye!
See ya tomorrow!!!
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