
Teruk, teruk..

posted by Elena ♥ at 21.12.09 0 comments.

apabila aku baca post terbaru blog Wan buat kali ke dua tadi,
teringat pulak aku mimpi aku semalam.

kalau mimpi bes, ok lah jugak kan? ni k.o ada ar -.-

aku mimpi aku ngan sepupu aku sekeluarga gi bercuti kat mana tah..
kitorang menginap di sebuah hotel.
petang tersebut, kitorang pun turun ke bawah untuk mandi dalam kolam renang.

yang reti berenang tu berenang larr, yang tak reti macam aku tu, main main, lompat lompat, splash splash dalam air je la -.-

kolam renang tu pun dalam, macam yang kat pangkor resort yang aku gi cuti yang lepas punya lepas.

sedang aku 'tip toe' dalam kolam tu... leh pulak aku tersadung kaki sendiri -.-
sepupu aku yang ada berhampiran ngan aku tros jerit "ENA!!"

akhirnya, aku lemas. the end.
aku terbangun sbb mak aku kejutkan.

hampeh punya mimpi. boleh lakk aku mimpi camtu.

tapi yang aku ingat paling jelas pasal mimpi tu,
rambut aku ala ala Ariel The Little Mermaid masa masok dalam air.
caaaaantek sangat ;D hohoho *kembang hidong*



posted by Elena ♥ at 17.12.09 0 comments.

ada orang cakap, aku dah behenti blog o.o
siapa kata aku dah tak blog?
mentang2 aku tak update blogger, korang cakap aku bukan antara member BLOGGING korang lagi lar

sabarr... aku masih budak yang suka menaip bende merapu rapu :)
mungkin tak ada larr 5-6 post sehari macam dulu, tapi, ok perr..

you might be thinking "yeahh right, she didn't even update this whole week!"
well yeah... i won't be updating this blog much this holidays


I'm updating ANOTHER blog, in my TUMBLR!
what's tumblr?

it's like blogger, wordpress, livejournal and any other blog/domain/page.
but of course, blogger's better :)

aku dah merepek dalam tumblr lama dah, but i kept it secret.
aku cuma bitau vanessa je url tumblr aku.
then 5 days after that...shakir, arifah & zureen found out my url =.='


feel free to read :)

hehe, takkan aku nak pergi sekolah menengah,
url blog masih

SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN-seafield lagi kowt :D
mesti tukarr, kalau tak orang mesti ingat aku pelek.
sebenarnya tak ada banyak perbezaan sangat antara url blog ni dgn url blog tahun depan,
bezanya cuma 1 huruf jer ;)

i'm warning you, if you plan to type the url on your address bar now,
better don't.
it's not open yet - private :)

don't waste your time,
for now, just read my tumblr and keep in touch with this blog,
IN CASE, I update...

:D url blog kat atas tu akan di-publickan mulai 1 Januari 2010.
harap bersabar.



Wet World :D

posted by Elena ♥ at 8.12.09 0 comments.

woot woot! i'm back - from wet world!!
:) fun fun fun!!

FUN is all i can say :D!!

aku gi sana dengan

- mak aku
- mak maza
- mak dannil
- maza
- raihanah (adik maza)
- haikal (adik maza)
- kakak dannil
- fatin (adik dannil)
- haziq (adik dannil)

andd no, dannil x ikot :)

firstly, sampai, of course, jumping like crazy,
excited giler!
eventhough i still do not know how to swim..

i enjoyed :P
me and maza bought a double float for us.
(and i mean just US, :) parents, buy urself :D)

bought that float JUST to take a ride on the Monsoon Buster.
it's reputed to be the LONGEST uphill water coaster in Asia.

the queue was LONG!
:) we were somewhere in the middle though :D

kali pertama naik,
perlahan jek, so not much screaming...
maza was in front, i was at the back.

2nd time, i'm in front,
she's at the back..

and it continues.
we took turns sitting in front..

the 6th & 7th (last), was the BEST
air laju, water splashing everywhere.
the float went left right left right,
turning and turning,
screaming and screaming,
cekik mencekik, tendang menendang,

hahaha :D
i screamed something private about maza loudly XD
she got mad and " ELENA... *ehem*... *ehem* "

xP nobody heard, so its ok.
then we went to the 'Big Splash',
slide down and... SPLASH.
zzz, buat sakit hidung jer -.-

(siku aku berdarah bila nak slide.. wasn't ready D; position tak betol, argh!!)

i tried swimming,
i CAN move my legs and hands at the same time (last time i cant),
but i wasn't moving =.=
i mean, my body wasn't going forward...or backwards..
its just... THERE!
harapkan tangan & kaki je gerak! D;

nasib tak lemas -.-''
(even a st. 3 girl can swim, and I can't! T.T)

we went at 10 am and exited wet world at 3:30.
yeah, 5 hours of swimming, splashing, drowning, and screaming.

;);) memories ;);)

i didn't get to take pictures,
i left my camera's batt. in my sister's room..

NEXT TIME... i'll take pictures and post it in my blog kayh? :)
there's a lot more to talk about wet world,
but yeah, u guys would be bored reading the same thing again and again

"splashing in the water"

;D guess tht's enough,
i'm so tired! exhausted!!
(ak smpt tido lagi dalam kete masa nk balik)

so, adios!
tata :)

(p/s: french fries kat sana boleh tahan gak :D)

-erm, i'm not gonna be posting in the same blog again, starting frm the 1st of january 2010,
so, just keep in touch of this blog if u wanna know the url.