
No more crazy crazy club

posted by Elena ♥ at 5.6.09
Yeah yeah...club...
No, I don't mean that that club! The other club... =.="
The Anti-Hacker club...please don't get your brain to somewhere else.
Thanks >_>

From now on, Friday, June 05, 10:40 pm...
There is no more ANTI-HACKER CLUBBBB!!!
Woohoo~!! Why?

My cousin::: Malas jerh keje engkau!

Hahaha :P


Anyways I'll be making a new cbox.
(What do you care?)
Reason? They are way TOO much of messages in the cbox archive and no, I don't want to keep trashes =.="
By the way...thinking about hacker :D
Lets be friends ;) From the e-mail of course
No more enemy? Why don't just use your real name as your display name?

Oh and...ARIFAH!!!!!
Jangan lupa ajar kiterh :3 Hehehe

Aku berjayaaaa jejaki...tapak sulaiman =.="
Nahhh, just kidding...ada arh yg aku dh jejaki :D
Thanks to Arifah!!!
Have a great time at your village..
She's "Oooooo balek kamponnngggg oooo balek kamponnggg"
Aku plak.... "Oooooo bila nak balek Musytariiiii oooo bila nak balek musytari"
See the difference? One planet to another? Haihz...

Lets talk about just now :D
There's one human which I don't exactly know who copied my name in Jane Menn's cbox...
=.=" I didn't even checked her cbox till today
And beforeee that, I was asked to make...CINCAUUUUUUUU~~~
Yum yum...
Aku bukannya reti rasa manis ke tak, blasah je aaa...
Asal minom sudah! And then mom asked me to put more sugar...
And "My lips like sugar...Da double di double da double di..."
=.=" Making that drink takes me 10 minutes! Thats a plenty of time to sweat and sleep >.<
And I actually said..."Susahnyerh hidopp" while I was adding more sugar to it =))
My cuz..laughed? =.="

Wanna have sweet time FIGHTING with someone in my room :D
Anddd make a cbox =.="
Byee~~~ See yaaaa..tomorrow, perhaps at MPSJ?

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