
Projects all over the place!

posted by Elena ♥ at 29.9.09 0 comments.

I had a godfather...or anyone who can make all my wish come true,

"I wish that there are no projects given to all Year 6 students after UPSR - at all!"

So, what do you think?
Ok tak wish aku tu?

7 projects going on and on!
If I have Doraemon, then that may be okay la.

"Doraemon, aku mahukan sebuah alat yang boleh tolong siapkan Project Science ku dalam masa 5 minit"

macam tu, sebelum gi sekolah dah boleh buat kan?
life would be much easier :)

first I have to finish my Science, the one about preservation and stuffs!
almost done, have to go through some WRITING process which I hate =.=

then, tomorrow, Miss G said we have to bring

tak tahu untuk apa, but yang pasti,
cikgu akan bawak kitorang gi dewan esok
yes, i consider that as a project! =.=

for Science,
we're gonna make a boomerang!
but we're JUST gonna make it using cardboards.
sob sob :|

hah! tengok! dah tiga projek dah!

sambung lagi!
English again. gonna do, girls stuff i guess?
serving food and drinks, blah blah blah!

and again english.
do a scrapbook? optical illusions?
whatever lah! optical illusions can give me a headache sometimes!

thennnn KH!
berniaga :) aku cadangkan jual kasut Crocs.
one ringgit each.


lastly, Kajian Tempatan.
i promise i'll yawn at least twice while doing the project.
maximum: 30 times.

wawasan 2020? i really don't know what to do!
wanted to make a portfolio with my 2 best friends - Maza & Syafiqah.
(Arifah & Zureen wanted to do other things, so they're not in our group D:)

but then, today, GB sticked a paper on our class board,
about the project,
and it reads...

"folio tersebut haruslah ditulis oleh pelajar sendiri"

no way we're gonna write!!!!
tulisan dah laa macam cakar ayam
(ini kerana dah lama x menulis slps menduduki UPSR dan x habis2 guna computer)

-seriously, aku nk pegang pensel dah sakit. rasa macam nak aje capai keyboard dan main game.

we are sooooo gonna do something else for KT!

the end of list of school projects =.=
feel like quiting school! grr.


1st Place!!

posted by Elena ♥ at 26.9.09 0 comments.

Woot! Woot!
We have a winner!!
Give a big clap to Arifah Husna!!

Erk...sorry, got the wrong image of her.
takpelah, bukannya dia kisah pown :D

It's no big deal if she wins though =.=
Cause she's the only one who's been guessing!
No one else!! Padan muka korang xdpt polo :P

Buh bye~!!

rif, polo will be yours this monday or tuesday ok?

Boohoo :D

posted by Elena ♥ at 26.9.09 0 comments.

Remember my quiz???

I've made up my mind!
You comment the answers, and I won't say whether it's right or wrong in the blog.

cause, for example,
person A guessed that my first pet was a rabbit.
then I replied wrong.

obviously, nobody else would answer rabbit anymore!
becuz they already know rabbit is wrong!
and that's not fun :(
kenalah challenging!!!

so, from now onwards, i'll only say if your answer is right or wrong in:
MSN, YM, Facebook Chat, Myspace Chat or face to face.. okay?

you know what?
i changed my mind. i'll reply you anywhere and anytime.
ngahahahahaahha!! (man, this post is a waste of time xD)

arifah, i never keep a werewolf in my house...
so don't go like "TEAM JACOB" around my comment box =.=


Quiz di blog ini kini kembali!

posted by Elena ♥ at 25.9.09 10 comments.

Haha! Nampak polo kat atas tu?
Yeah, it's yours :)

Dengan syarat!
Berikan aku jawapan yang betul :D

1) Apakah haiwan belaanku yang pertama?

betul = POLO

soalan yang senang pulak tu :P
siapa cepat, dia dapat!

owh, and....
i will not accept answers in chatbox.
so, start commenting!

BM aku lain tak? ke macam biasa?
aku tengah cuba tulis proper BM dalam blog ni.
skema pown skema laa. hoho. harap2 menjadi.

Off The Pill - Stink People

posted by Elena ♥ at 25.9.09 0 comments.

Ryan uploaded a new video yesterday! Enjoy!! <3


Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2009

posted by Elena ♥ at 24.9.09 0 comments.

Pertama sekali,
Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua pembaca blog ni!!!!

hari tu balik kampung, memang syok gile gile lah!
hari pertama, smpai2, main lah ngan anak buah ;)
stu kakak aku datang... nak tgkp gamba dia, tp tokleh.
entah kenapa aku dilarang mengambil gambar kakak aku.
tak baik kowt...

malam tu, susah betol nak tido.
ye lah! tilam cuma ada 4.
tilam yang belambak dulu tu semua dh menghilang tah ke mana.
ambik kau, tido sempit2!

keesokan paginya,

aku terpaksa kebas selimut sepupu & kakak aku.

selain daripada kacau orang, main, makan, baring, tgkp gamba, tengok tv, sms dgn Politician & Tweety, aku record video...
perbualan antara mak, mak saudara dan anak buah aku yang berumur 3 tahun.
dia bukan cakap bahasa melayu, dia cakap bahasa terengganu.
asyik dengar dia bercakap!!
nak jugak aku belajar cakap bahasa tu, cam best jek..

tapi yang aku tak tahan,
dia cakap terlampau banyak!
petah! tapi cerdik ;D

semua video video tersebut sudah aku upload pagi ni kat account YouTube baru.
silalah melawat :)

malam tu,
solat maghrib, baca yasiin & makan sate, mihun & ketupat puas2 kat rumah jiran sekampun
nak jalan pulang ke rumah nenek, seram!
aku & sepupu2 aku siap baca doa.

jarak rumah nenek aku dan jiran >> 7 meter (atau lebih)
nak kenal pasti mana satu longkang mana satu jalan pown dah tak tahu.
suram, gelap, macam2 lah.

aku, macam biasa, control tak takut.
tapi sebenarnya aku yang paling gelabah masa tu xD

pastu makan ayam masak cili padi kat rumah saudara.
erk....tolong lah.....
pedas tak terhingga! tak ada sorang pown yang tak nangis merasa ayam tu!

biasanya, kalau aku menangis kepedasan, ada di antara sepupu sepupu aku kata tak pedas.
tapi yang ni, semua surrender.
tak kira besar ke, kecik ke, tua atau muda, semua rushing nak ambik air.

hari ketiga raya aku dah balik subang.
sakit hati tengok tak ada internet!
aku layan je lah TV sepanjang hari.

semalam baru ada internet.
lega :D

(Arifah letak gambar SEPUPUnya yang terbaru, aku pown x ketinggalan letak gambar ANAK BUAH aku yang terbaru..hehe.)

ha! tu gambar anak buah aku yang terbaru...rasanya lah.
aku pown dh tak ingat dah mana satu baru, banyak lah O_O

comel kan?
ada x serupa macam mak su dia yang bernama Elena tu?
huhu! dah lah, bye ^^

(aku tukar layout lagi, cantik tak? aku suka ;D)


Dengan Ini...Saya, Nur.....

posted by Elena ♥ at 17.9.09 0 comments.

hari ni tengok cerita The Grudge kat bilik APD pulak.
like usual, tk dpt habis tengok movie.
tapi part first2 dah takut o.o

1st skali aku takut,
bila cite tu nk mainkan part yang seram,
dan tiba-tiba Tee Min Min bukak pintu bilik APD.
terus aku tarik blazer Zureen yg duduk sebelah aku!
tekejut ohh.. :(

second aku takut masa tetibe ada mata kucing yang menakutkan muncul.
huhu, aku jerit ngan nada yang sofftttt je.

tmbhn lagi,
masa tu aku ngan Arifah dengar bunyi tayar kereta yang dh haus...
cm keta nak brek secara tiba2 bila dipandu dgn laju.
T_T stu nmpk byg2 dlm bilik Pusat Sumber lak tu..

kenapa hari ni banyak menakutkan?!!

p/s: bila aku ngah tulis ni,
tetibe ada bunyi kereta dari luar rumah aku O_O
exactly the same sound kitorang dgr dlm bilik APD.
uk oh..


dengan ini, bahawasanya,
saya, Nur Elena, merasmikan,
hari kemerdekaan bagi semua Darjah Enam!!!

PSRA & UPSR candidates are free!
Sunday's Hari Raya!
can't wait, can't wait!

chatted with my cousin just now.
she was asking me about UPSR,
but then I changed the topic to fireworks.
(i dun feel like talking about UPSR =.=)

setiap tahun macam tu!!
bila nk Raya, we'll ask each other.

"dah beli bunga api ke belum?"

kalau jawab belum...

mesti arhh kitorang bincang apa kitorang nk beli.
kalau bukan chat, sms. kalau bukan sms, chat :D

tapi..bila fikir fikirkan balik,
duitnya...nak datang dari mana ek?

tak takut ditangkap polis ke akibat main mercun kat kampung??

aku? takut...buat apa.
sepupu aku polis, rileks jek xD
siap ajar aku ngan sepupu sepupu aku main mercun lagi tu! :P

agak agak,
malam raya, ada cite apa ah?

(yang pasti, bila hari raya aku nak kumpul duit & merdeka cukop2 kat kampong)

gud bye and happy holidays!!
(no, aku x g Majlis Berbuka Puasa kat skolah..hehe)



posted by Elena ♥ at 15.9.09 0 comments.
**aku update hari ni atas permintaan Zureen,
katanya aku dah lama tak update sdgkan baru 2 hari lps aku update.

hari ni hari jadi
*drum rolls*


happy birthday to you,
you live in a zoo,
you look like Killer Jo,
anddddd...you smell like one too!

(no wonder i smell blood everyday)

yesterday, Arifah and I spent like about 1-2 hours thinking of a plan,
to make a normal stupid crazy suprise for Zureen.
ingatkan dua tiga minit dh leyh siap plan,
lain pulak jadinya =.=

pagi ni, sampai sekolah,
kitorang act biasa biasa ngan Zureen.
sometimes we were hiding from her xD

but it was fun,
banyak gelak ngan Arifah.
haha, Arifah, ____ is a boy :D

on the way nak naik kelas was,
dot, dot, dot.
Vanessa and Raych wished Zureen.

me & Arifah >>> T_T

lol, kitorang buat macam kitorang x dgr pape.
:) tindakan yang bijak, kan?

naik kelas,
kitorang plan semalam untuk tak bercakap banyak dgn Zureen!
but it turned out different o.o

i guess we can't stop letting our mouth shut :D
cakap jugak ngan Zureen, siap ejek lagi!
(payback!! xD)

masa dah nak English,
kitorang nk jalankan plan yang kononnya *special* sangat.

arifah kasik satu surat ni dekat zureen.
well, it's suppose to be a wishing card,
but who cares :D

kitorang bitau Zureen its TOP SECRET!
so dia tak ptt bukak dn baca,
(padahal kitorang nk dia baca =.=)

you see, Zureen jenis yang nak tahu segala rahsia,
so if we say its TOP SECRET, she'll probably open it..
(that's what WE think =.=)

tengok2, everything was upside down,
she didn't open the letter!

happy birthday to u...

:D arifah kasik notebook,
ak kasik anting2 :)

(i don't know why i bought her that, dia bukannya tebuk lubang kt telinga pown)

pe kesah, dia bukannya kesah pown!
zureen blurr gile =.=

and yes, i know its not a suprise,
cause its not. kitorang x tahu macm mana nk teruskan plan,
cuz zc ruin everything at the first part - by being so blurr-ish!
and no, kitorang x buat any second plans.
cuz then it'd take us another 2 hours thinking about it =.=


change topic lar!
this bufday stuffs not fun,
(sbb xde cake! hehe.)

English & Science,
Miss Geetha masuk kelas :)
fun! she brought us to the APD room.

watched The Ring.
tapi tak smpt habis!!
haha, Joanna pinjamkan aku DVD cite tu ;D
malam nnt ak nk smbong tengok..

(u will die at 10 pm)

that show's actually freaking me out.
sesiapa yang tengok satu vid tape ni,
akan menerima panggilan telefon...

"you will die at 10pm"

don't scream elena... :)
u're a brave girl aren't you?

aku, kalau masa tengok vid Horror/Hantu

di kalangan ahli keluarga/saudara: tak takut, acting brave :)
di kalangan rakan2 (sekolah): 50-50
di kalangan rakan2 (in groups): i'm a small kid who do not know anything!
sorang-sorang: o_o

that's not what i wanna say until the end of the post =.="
back to school!
masa agama, best gak :) ak x tahu pe yg best =.=

faris masuk kelas and everyone was ejek-ing zureen.
haha. wan pulak suro derma banyak2 masa bulan puasa,
dia tu tak derma satu sen pown xD

ok ok, masa BM,
main Uno Speed ngan Sing Pei.
then nk main ngan Farid.

tapi bila kitorang baru nk shuffle the cards,
miss G suro g APD lagi..

(phewh selamat! x snggop aku nk lawan dengan The King of Uno Speed!)

hahaha :P
g bilik APD,
tengok cite The Messenger plak - memandangkan CD cerite Chuckie agak bengap.
(i hate chuckie!!!!)

oh and btw,
Rajin ngan Usaha gabong dalam APD masa tngok The Messenger.

masa balik...
Arifah ngan aku ikot tangga Block C,
nk smpai kat pintu pagar lebeyh cpt dr yg lain :P
sbnrnya nk tinggalkan birthday girl sorang2 xD

St. 5 students must think we were crazy.
dh la jerit macam org gile tersesat dekat perhimpunan - gembira smpai lagi cpt dr ZC.

that's life :D

dah laa...bye bye!!


posted by Elena ♥ at 11.9.09 0 comments.
malas dowh nak cakap pasal hari ni :)
banyak duduk dlm Pusat Sumber,
baca buku jek, best gak..
baca buku KarnaDya, sedeyh aku, sbb x ada buku PTS One!

baru habis baca blog Wan.
aiyoo...meremang bulu roma aku.

rumah aku nombor 11.
hari jadi dlm bulan 11.

dot, dot, dot!

chao, nak main game!


Woot! Woot!

posted by Elena ♥ at 10.9.09 0 comments.

UPSR finally OVER!
you get me? it's over!!

gonna spend my day with PS2, TV, IT Crowd, MSN, YM, MapleStory, Flyff, Moshi..

till keputusan diumumkan...

hope i'll get 5A's...
Science, Section A, i have a LOT of careless mistake.
=.=" how can i not use my brain.

Pemahaman, mom said i have LOTS of wrong.
not showing the english paper to my dad :D:D
hehe...he.. -dead-

and if my sis & bro in law balik sini bila-bila..
so NOT gonna show my MATHS paper.
i can get killed, from the most evil sister in the world.
(dulu ckp dia baik, skrg jahat :D)

Science..soalan RAMALAN section B betol2 kuar..
untuk soalan nombor satu je lahh~~

got wrong for number 2..
haihh...overall...jacket... =.="

lepas English and stuffs..
kuar dewan, became monkeys.
:D no wonder cikgu ckp setiap tahun lepas UPSR mesti pengawas peperiksaan kata SKS bising..


Aptitud, memeningkan!
soalan first2 semua pening pening.
hentam je :D
habis dalam masa 15 minit...

or 20..



nk tido..
tp Raimi, Roshand & Ismail bengap siket =.="
suka sgt buat cikgu cina tu marah!!

tried to sleep..
slept for 10 mins..
then, bangon balik, sbb terdengar ada cikgu tegur Raimi & Ismail.
why must I sit near them? =.="

haih, baru nk tido sedap2,
ada org kacau..
then..tries to sleep again..




after 7 mins,
ada beberapa org manusia sengaja nak jatuhkan pensil,
supaya pengawas peperiksaan leyh kutipkan utk diorang.

=.= trick yg cukup tak menjadi.

tokleh tido dh..

eh, leyh..
10 minit before cikgu kutip kertas,
terlelap ;D

cikgu ckp ngan mikrofon, bangon tros.
stretch here, stretch there,
stretch everywhere..

then it's really MERDEKA!

tros bukak internet!



nk mandi..
bepeluh peluh.
tak on kipas..ehehe..



Woot! Woot! Happy Day!

posted by Elena ♥ at 6.9.09 0 comments.
after sahur, i studied maths,
for like about half an hour...
but my brain can hardly work, and i end up sleeping.

woke up at 9 am.
my pencil and my book are far far away lost in an island.
i don't know how i sleep, really =.="

like usual, study!
this girl is a nerd.
no, i mean:

"this alien is a geek"

what's the difference anyway?
:P did u watch the VP parody of Lady Gaga's song?
the one called "outerspace"

if i didn't know that VP is VP,
then i thought she's Lady Gaga o.o
(VP is Venetian Princess by the way..)

at 5:00,
watched Hannah Montana.
i randomly tune in to that channel :D
and i watched that episode before =.=

5:30 pm,
watched that episode before..

6:00 pm,
Camp Rock,
watched it before..

7:20 pm,
breaking fast!
at the same time, hafta deal with my sister about something =.="
and i was kinda annoyed :|
she kept on laughing! what's so funny about "UPSR is on this Tuesday"?
isn't she suppose to give me supports?? aiyoo!

7:30 pm
finally! a show i haven't watched before!

The Princess Protection Program!

it's so touching, at the last part T_T
friendship, trust & loyalty!
i felt like crying..


oh cut that off, Elena!

9:00 pm
macam-macam Aznil!

masa Azrul (Raja Lawak) ngan Kencana ngah berdebat tentang topik,

"Makan di luar lebih baik dari makan di rumah"

everyone was laughing!
i was roflmao!
aku rasa, kalau ngah minum air,
leyh tersembur!

lol :P

skrg, kol 10 baru nk on.
and soon, gonna off :)

IF tomorrow i'm not gonna on/update,
then, this might be the last, before UPSR..



oooh anndd andd!
i have a moshling! i have a moshling!
soooooo happpyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

(refers to moshi monster)


Sorry, Sorry - Super Junior!

posted by Elena ♥ at 4.9.09 0 comments.

hi readers!
really don't have much time to talk about school today..

i'm gonna spend my time wisely. after this, i'm studying.

time is golden :)

just wanna say, good luck to all the UPSR candicates,
forgive me for the mistakes i've done before this.
thank you for being my friend.

thank you to the teachers who had taught me from st. 1 till st.6
sorry if i'm rude sometimes.
sorry if i never follow your instruction.

wish me luck, boys & girls!
hopefully we will all get 5A's for UPSR..

January, February, March, April, May, June:
"Alarh, lama lagi nak UPSR, sabar lah!"

"Aww, lagi 2 bulan, belajar lah sikit2"

"Less than a month lagi nak UPSR! Kena belajar"
tapi tak slalu pgg buku pown..

20,10,9,8,7,6,5,4....3 days before UPSR:
-becomes a nerd-

actually, now I realised I've wasted a lot of time..
blogging, using the internet, watching TV, and not touching any of my exercise books at all.
i study at the last minute, for a BIG exam.

remember my post:
i wanna study more and use the computer less...bla bla bla?

that sentences, only last for a few days, if u noticed..

UPSR, with Aptitud, and stuffs..
really give me a big headache =.=
i can imagine the pemeriksa walking around, guarding us.. everywhere!

even if we're going to the toilet.

and when teacher said,
"kalau ada barang terjatuh, panggil pemeriksa, pemeriksa datang ambilkan"

i was really suprised.
macam V.I.P!!
wow... o.o

i'm scared that i won't get an A for Science, Maths or Pemahaman!

i have a lot of mistakes in Maths when Syafiqah and my mom checked my workbook!
and i don't understand most of the questions in Science.
i'm scared i won't be able to understand some BM words, in Pemahaman.

that's it, bye!

oh and, i changed my first song in my playlist.
It's You, of course, by Super Junior :) enjoy yourself!


Studying sure is sleepy...

posted by Elena ♥ at 3.9.09 0 comments.
i'm just gonna make a quick post.
arrived school at 7:00.
waited for Imran =.="
tukar laa countdown MINGGU ni.

minggu depan, aku akan paksa syafiqah tukar countdown pulak ;D
minggu depan upsr dh habis, buat pe nak tuka kan?

oooh oooh!
then, drjh 6, berkumpul, mcm biasa.
tak ada aroma perfume yang berbau harum dah kat situ :(
sedeyh gile..


ramai orang datang office hour.
haha, igtkan Luqman je yang office hour.
pandai sangat, smpai dtg sekolah awal.

tsk, tsk.
lepas mendengar leteran,
eh, sorry, bukan leteran :)
tips tips menjawab soalan BM,SC,MT,ENG.

tips yang diulang, ulang, ulang..dan diulangi,
sejak awal tahun 2009.
hishh, cikgu nak bagi kitorang ingat tips tu sangat kan?
letaklah gam gajah kat kepala orang!

cheh! just kidding laa,
arigatou cikgu, sbb kasik tips ^^

ok, back to cerita hari ni,
lepas dengar tips, gi dewan,
blaja blaja blaja, kertas kertas kertas, buku buku buku.

sebelum rehat takde laa sejuk macam semalam,
tapi sakit perut sbb masuk angin + agak sejuk T_T
ni mesti sbb masa sahur tak makan banyak!
lepas kuar dari dewan, yippie!!
dah tak sejuk!!!

aku ngan maza meneruskan ekspedisi ke surau,
buka bende warna hitam yang dah lama terlekat kat bawah kaki kitorang,
lepas tu, kitorang teruskan ekspedisi membuka butang baju aku..


hehe, aku leyh bukak kekadang je ;D;D
kalau tokleh, mintak tolong kawan laa...

that's what friends are for right??

selepas mengambil wudhu'
gi klinik, ada treasure hunt.. =.=
operasi mencari al-quran lah!
smlm kitorang sorok bawah kain almari,
tah tak tahu mana hilang..

rupanya ada manusia yang ambik.
then, ekspedisi berakhir, dan aku ngan maza dah tak related atau pape dah!
sbb aku dipindahkan ke Bilik SPBT.

nasib Aisya pown dipindahkan kat situ ;D;D
drpd Ustazah Hanida, jadik Pn. Marina.
bermulalah juz baru =.=

lps rehat,
haha, i caught syafiqah chasing hadi!
ngahahahahahaha!!!! >:D

apesal bulu kening ternaik lebeyh lebeyh? :P

stu masuk dewan,
sejuk gile x nk mampos lg.
then there's lots and lots of fun!
except when miss geetha came in and scolded kelvin.

ada skali, en. faisol masuk dr pintu blkg,
nk panggil hadi, terpanggil fiqah.
hahaha, cikgu ni..tak insaf lagi dr mengejek syafiqah ye?

elleh, macam laa aku ni tak ejek! dua kali lima equals to sepuluh je.

then imran mixed all the 'Gee' lyrics =.='
actually, he created new lyrics! tp ikot tune lagu 'Gee'
...i was starving xD xD

oh! lupa nak bitau...
shaqeel bawak gambar masa drjh 1.
haha, heng and shaqeel was standing beside me.
i look kinda chubby when i was small <3
and now, i'm not chubby anymore, nooooo! T_T

tapi muka ak dlm gambar tu nmpk macam alien gak.. ;O
muka kat bawah, mata ternaik. lawak laaa

masa balik, nk lawan lari ngan joanna,
tapi tak jadi lari sbb banyak penghalang,
lagipown....puasa kan?

tp tadi ak lari gak!
tp perlahan laa, takde laa sbb nk kejar joanna,
saja saja :)

bukak enjin...

My lips like sugar....

imran nk bawak kereta,
macam lahh reti xD
aku dapat bayangkan macam mana ketua pengawas pandu kete..

langgar pokok, langgar kete, langgar orang.
semua leyh musnah! ish ish...macam tu takyah tunggu gempa bumi lah,
suruh imran bawak kete, dah gempa subang dah :)

mk dh masok keta...dah tekan minyak..


;) suka sangat dengan perkataan tenot!
haiyo, pening kepala orang dibuatnya!


o.o did i typed makan?
xD sorry sorry, tak mkn laa..
tertaip ;D igtkan hari biasa :)
tak puasa kee elena ni :P

mandi, belajar, belajar, belajar,
3:15 baru on, skrg 4:20.
kol 4:30 nk off laa.....sooooooo



Panas bagos, Sejuk pown bagos. Jadi, mana satu ni?

posted by Elena ♥ at 2.9.09 0 comments.
hi readers! so, u ready for UPSR yet?
i mean...the st.6 students laahh!

(if there are any PMR or SPM candicates reading this, good luck to u too)

hari ni, smpai skolah, tak ada pape yg terjadi.
ak tak sakit perut :D

dalam kereta, aku dengan joanna ceritakan apa yg ptt diceritakan kat semua org dlm kereta!
my mum & atira laughed :D
dah lawak, gelak lah kan??

(tapi smlm, ak cerita kat mak ak, mk ak tak gelak pulak =.=)

nak tahu ke apa bende?
huhu... ye lah ye lah, aku kongsi ngan korang :D


o_o i kinda lost the thinggy.
i promise i'll find it soon, and post it out here!

masa perhimpunan, like usual..
barisan pengawas straight dari depan!
tapi smpai kat :-

- elena
- syafiqah
- syahirah
- syasya

tak pernah nak straight =.=
masa drjh 6 beratur dpn pentas..
i can hardly see miss geetha T_T
pn. azlinah cakap, bila seseorang tgh bercakap, pandang ke muka dia!

tapi ak x nmpk ;(

dah lah ada aroma yang cukup harum!
terlampau harum smpai aku tetibe ada penyakit asthma.
haha, just kidding :)

masuk dewan, kewl, air-cond!
aku gembira ada aircond, tapi rupanya, aircond ni pembawa masalah!
teruskan membaca..
tada! mula belajar!

BM! Everything was fine, discuss jawapan,
and then, we are free to do our own stuffs.
actually, we are free to study our own books... =.=

Oh no...freezing...
I am sooooo unlucky! Why am I so near to the fan??
I shouldn't be sitting there T__T

semalam, bukan main gembira lagi duduk dkt ngan kipas..
=.=" tapi hari ni, bukan main sejuk...tak tahan.
sejuk tu mmg bagos, drpd tak bukak pape, nnt berpeluh..
tapi ni dah sejuk sangat! i need a sweater..or a jacket tomorrow!!

can't imagine how i'm gonna write an essay..
on next Tuesday, and Thursday..

nak tulis Paper 2 untuk English pown tadi aku susah nak tulis.
masa tu dh sejuk tahap maksimum! pensel aku pown sama -.-
kene beli sweater size triple XS lah untuk pensel aku :D

aku tak faham, panas bagos, sbb dpt kasik kitorang haba bila kesejukan.
tapi tak bagos, sbb buat org berpeluh.
sejuk bagos gak! dapat hilangkan kepanasan,
tapi tak bagos, sbb kekadang buat kita jadi iceberg version SKS.
so actually which is good? :S

i like medium :D
kat rumah, aku bukak aircond bilik kakak aku bila panas gile2.
or not i'll stay in my room, leaving the fan at 4.
you get what i mean right? :D

bengang jugak tadi dalam dewan!
ye lah, dlm dewan sejuk. pagi tadi aku mandi air sejuk,
tak pasang heater :P
stu masuk kete, sejuk.
masuk dewan sejuk, ambik air wudu' sejuk!

masa rehat,
kluar dewan... ahhhhhhhhh~~ :D:D
bestnya udara!! just the right temperature.
bila aku pegang tangan fiqah ngan maza (tgk badan diorang panas/sejuk),
aku pgg tangan maza, tangan dia panas gile =.=
tak sejuk pown! sedangkan dlm aircond td sejuk!!
ak pgg tangan fiqah, tangan dia sikit sejuk, sikit panas.
ok lah tu :O

in the end, badan aku jugak yang paling sejuk.
aku memang.. -.-
tapi nasib lah jugak Ismail tutup kipas,
kalau tak.........aku rasa mungkin lps kuar dewan, ak tros pengsan.

lepas tu, aku tros stretchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!
segar semula :D kalau tak, mesti ngantok :D
tros g surau, ambik wudu', ambik al-quran, g klinik.
ustazah hanida dah ada kat situ..ak ngan maza terlambat :)

lepas tadarus, balik dewan.
budus...jumpa joanna ngan sarah je, mesti teringat bende tu =.='

then ckp2 ngan aisya..
i wanted to ask her something about _____.
haha, tak jadik :D

stu masuk dewan.
ok, normal temperature,
sbb Ismail x bukak kipas lagi...
Ismail kemudian membuka kipas...
katanya, atas permintaan seorang V.I.P

i feel sorry for the ice yang ada dalam refrigerator!

science, was a bit boring, and sleepy..
sleepy tu, sbnrnya dtg dr kesejukan,
tapi boring tu, mmg semula jadi >.<

lps tu, free to study.. is tht even freedom?
okay, study.. study.. study.. garhh!!
hari ni ak bawak buku Maths, smlm Science.
tomorrow nk bawak Shin Chan!

"Elena! UPSR lagi 6 hari!! Sedar lah Elena oiiii"

ok ok, esok nak bawak...Pemahaman & Science & Maths.
English ku terabai.. ish, ish, ish.

baik bawak Naruto je esok... :D:D


fine...esok bawak computer... ;)

macam lah aku larat nak angkat komputer tu!
alien tak sedar diri! nasib baik bukan aku!
tah siapa lahh alien tu! berlagak betol!

mengutok diri sendiri ataupun sedang melarikan diri?

masa yang terluang,
ramai yang main main kat belakang dewan.
aku rasa nak cabot je mulut diorang, tangan diorang ngan kaki diorang.
=.=' pn. azlinah pandang je... terok betol budak2 drjh 6 tahun ni.

nasib baik aku baru drjh 5!
aku belum 12 tahun. masih 11.
i'll be st. 6 on the 4th of November!
i'll be taking UPSR next year :)

kalau UPSR ditunda ke tahun dpn...
i'll be the first one SHOUTING with JOY.
elena, elena, kau masih tak sedar. that will never happen laa dude!

aku ni tengah SS ke?
cakap sorang2. apa kejadah ngan minah ni?
sewel semacam..

masa balik..
mom, car key, kereta, lock, engine, FFM, pencil box, maths.
and there i go, studying maths in car while enjoying my day with the DJ.

tapi bepanjangan selama 10 minit je -.-
smpai rumah dh tutup buku!

kat rumah, ak duduk kat ruang tamu ngan mk ak.
bercakap-cakap ttg sekolah menengah, Form 1...

i was talking about USJ 13, USJ 12, SMKSU and SMK Seafield when a bus passed by..

elena: SMK Seafield, Ena nak g sbb....


elena&mum: o______o

tros ak bangun =.= nak g tegur budak yg ckp tenot tenot tu sbnrnya.
xD tp bas dah belah! apa laa uncle niiii!!!

kenal sangat suara siapa yg ckp "Tenot, Tenot" tu =.=
mengacau jee orang nak cakap pasal sekolah xD


lepas tu cakap pasal Private and Public Universities,
Boarding Schools and Something, Something & Something about School.

something itu secret ya? rahsia sulit kerajaan!
enggak buleh dibocori!

spent 1 hour talking bout' that =.="
stu ak ckp pasal apa yg terjadi kat skolah plak!
mk ak dengar + beri nasihat, ak yg sebok bercakap lebeyh2.

kan dah cakap! kat rumah, mulut ak tak berhenti bercakap!
nk explain something pown x teragak-agak/tergagap.
dekat skolah? =.=" takyah nak cakap lah.
mmg pendiam + gelabah!

stu mandi........
then blaja, blaja, blaja,
main Moshi, then skrg baru nk update.

Penulisan aku belum buat lg...tak tentu nk buat ke tak!
kerja mengarang karangan ni bukan minat aku ;P

lainlah macam penolong ketua pngawas kita =.="
Nursyafiqah Sahira tu rajin! nak habiskan homework kat skolah!
ak susah nk cari ilham kalau buat penulisan kat skolah ;)
adakah itu hanya alasan semata mata?
adakah alasan yg sbnr ialah...AKU MALAS NAK BUAT HOMEWORK!!?? xD

ok lah, bye bye :)
UPSR... 6, UPSR... 6!!

uk oh...

bukan 6...tapi 5...
hehe, orang yang tukar nombo countdown pagi tadi,
sorry eh :D:D terkasik maklumat salah...

-the end!-


Dewan Harmoni SKS Harmoni ke?

posted by Elena ♥ at 1.9.09 0 comments.
hi readers, feeling well? hope you are..
i am feeling...let's keep that a mystery :)

a part of my body is in pain. it can't be cured...
arifah knows which part of it i mean :D:D

arrived school, sakit perut sangat D:
can't even stand...argh, ajak si Arifah duduk kat bicycle shed..
macam tu lah aku, bila time-time hujan, seblom hujan masa sejuk2 tu,
ak mesti sakit perut. hish...kacau hidup je.

Arifah hari ni banyak jalan-jalan + cakap2 masa perhimpunan dowh.
pelik, lain drpd hari yg lain!

zureen: arifah banyak jalan dowh hari ni...
elena: dia nak org ckp happy belated bufday kat dia je -.-
arifah: mana ada!!

haha, dia punya "mana ada" tu mesti "ada" nyerhh.
ak buat tak tahu, malas nak keluarkan hadiah dari beg,
so konon-konon, aku tak beli hadiah untuk dia lah :)

masa muzik, was kinda freedom!
no no, tak freedom, cuma melawak pasal super junior.
...kibum... :3

then, arifah started writing and scribbling on a piece of paper.
it's something like...this!

We Hate Lee Teuk!

Join the We Hate Lee Teuk club.
only pay RM 1 for one year!
you'll get a free t-shirt

(t-shirt tu ada "We Hate Lee Teuk")

contact 012 345 6789 for futher informations.
or, you can also check our blog,

i showed it to syafiqah,
and she started tearing it off,
then she pinched me!
salah orang lah syafiqah..ko spttnya cubit org belakang aku!

tak pasal-pasal kene cubit,
macam batu betul tangan dia tu!
sekali aku cubit...macam tergigit cili api!
meh aku tengok macam mana kau lompat kepedasan!
lol, just kidding lahh :)

then, Arifah started making stuffs bout Maza's blog!
aku suka mempromosikan blog tu tau :)
i passed to syafiqah, then back to arifah n zureen,
then to zetie and all the others, but not all..
then lastly, maza. woahh...

dia buat aku ternganga macam apa yang syafiqah buat..
dia koyakkan kertas tu o_o

but that was kinda funny ;D
oh and uhh, before i forget,
i gave the present to Arifah. it's a photo frame.
ingatkan nak ltk gambar Shi Won sekali,
tapi tangan tak ada keinginan nak print gambar pulak, hehe.

she said that photo frame is
as beautiful as Killer Jo!
or should i say,
as beautiful as Mazarina!

xD Maza, kalau ko ngah baca ni,
jangan marah ye. gurauan semata-mata.
(but seriously!!! xD)

english was spent wisely,
aku tak habis kerja :D
miss geetha tak masuk, phewh lah jugak...

science, ouwh...
uhh, what did we do?
i'm not sure...oh yeah, cikgu kasik kertas latihan.
and then kecoh pasal _________.

sorry, can't type it out,
nnt aku takut ditangkap masuk penjara.
stu aku tokleh makan masakan mak aku lagi.. T_T

agama, macam biasa,
surah, info jawi then buku teks :)

rehat, kumpul di surau,
ustazah nak masukkan dalam kumpulan Tadarus Al-Quran.
ak kumpulan nombor 14, sama ngan:

~Killer Jo
~Nur Aisya
~Nurul Marshiela

tu je aku ingat :)
(sbnrnya marshiela ngan killer jo kump. lain, tp ustazah gabung..tah!)

fuhh...lepas tu, naik kelas,
terus gi dewan! i'm so gonna miss 6 Rajin till next Thursday!

and i'm so gonna miss 1G,2G,3G,4R,5R and 6R next year and the following years!

and i'll so so so gonna miss my friends :(
let's have a reunion someday!
(i've been planning that since January :D)

Miss Geetha was sort of in a bad mood i guess...
kita tidak menepati masa, kita telah membazirkan masa cikgu.
ohhhhh noooo! =.=

masuk dewan, she shouted.
aku dah agak dah =.= tapi tu mmg salah kitorang laa..
bising sangat. kids will still remain kids.

then, susun kedudukan UPSR, i'm number something something something 24.
beside me is Jaya, and Raimi.
both boys! =_=

lps tu kene ambik meja dari 5R.
i end up having a bad mood :D
sebab semua berebut-rebut nak keluar kelas!
meja besar, pintu kecik.
macam mana 2 meja nak lalu satu pintu kecik!?

angkat meja..
huwahhh, berat, a skinny girl like me can't afford carrying that table alone!
tapi dapat jugak angkat ;D
maza yang tak larat o.o dia hampir terjatuh!

nasib Shakir ada untuk tolong ;)
gentleman nyerrr... xD

blah2, buat keje..
ni tu ni, balik!
crazy of HSM songs right now =.="


buh bye...
belajar time :)
see ya all tomorrow, or maybe tonight?
i don't know, later perhaps. when i'm suppose to rest from books...