
*Inserts post title*

posted by Elena ♥ at 30.1.09
=D bagus kan aku yerrr post title? hahaha

So, tadi aku ngah chat wif my fren. Aku ni, kalo cht ngan dia, mmg confirm dia akan naik marah and dia akan confuse wit wat i'm saying. Aku ckp rrrr yg aku nk brb. So I log in to my other msn account. My display name is Elena - The second me. Dia pon, O___O The second you? I can't live anymore!

Bongok, aku ngah ckp laen dia dh g tempat lain. AKU SENDRI PENING!!!

Now, I'm chatting wif my fren. Nak view her webcam. =) Aku cuke!!! Bukan suka dia lah!!! SUKA WEBCAM DIA JEKKKKK!!! HAHAHA >_>

Besar nnt aku nk kerja bank....

bankngong (bengong rrrr tu)

Chop chop chop...slh, nk jadi saintis. =D CITA CITA BESAR...tapi...hahaha...forget it tht i've wrote this sentence...=D BERUSAHA UNTUK CITA CITA =D

Now, viewing webcam with my fren...OMG!!! I LOVE HER!!!



thts all...aku nk g keluar BILIK... ^^ tata

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