
One Crazy Morning

posted by Elena ♥ at 28.6.09
Sunday, 12:50 pm...


You said we're not allow to answer in ur cbox or even in messenger.
You disallow ppl to comment ur post.
That's the main reason why we can't answer ur quiz -.-"

Oh well..
Answer to your question!
48 posts...

P/S- kau x kata pown tak bleh jawab dlm entry blog!


I'm back from the hall (=_=)
ate 2 plates of Nasi Lemak. Yummmm!

Woke up at half past eight this morning and I was "o___O"
Damn early! Then I slept again for 15 minutes.
8:45, I went out of my room and bring the whole set of photo albums into my room.
My parents went out and my sista + brotha was still sleeping -.-"
Checked out my baby photos. Melted ;)
So damn cute and fair!!! Unlike me now -.-"
So damn ugly and pale >_>

Wasted half an hour and then I took my bath.
As I was listening to Everyday from my computer after my bath,
a human appeared behind me and...

"Mana Mama?"

=_=" I was so shocked.
My sister almost gave me a heart attack T_T

Then my parents came home with lots of plastic bags.
they are not suppose to use plastic bags!! D;<
Later on, I went to the kitchen to help my sister and mom cook.
I pilled the cucumber skin and cut them into pieces.
And then, I eat them :) Lol!

My Sista: Ma, nanti Elly nk belaja masak Sambal Kacang
Elena: Ehem! Mesti Elena first yang pengsan merasa!
Mom: Hahahahahahaha!
My sista: Kau senyap la!
Elena: Everyday..of our live, wanna -goes into my room-

Then my sister was mumbling.
"Takde keje lain ke?! Internet je"


Mom: Na, awak takde keje kan?
Elena: (ni mesti nak suruh elena buat keje la...)
Mom: Ohhh Na!
Elena: Uhh..ye? Ada!!!
Sister: Jangan nak tipu, apa keje ko?
Elena: Bernafas! -runs away-
Mom & Sister: Pemalas.

and then mom called us to eat :)

Elena: Ma, hari mama cantek sangat! Buatkan air Ribena :):)
Mom: Buat sendiri..
Elena: T___T Cheche comel hari ni!
Sister: Lalalalala

After 2 minutes..

Mom asks my bro in law: Nak air Ribena tak? Mama buatkan
My sister: Boleh gak!
My brother: o___o""
Elena: Oi! Che! Orang suruh dia buat, dia tak nk pulak!
My sister: =P

then my sis and my mom was talking bout an actress...

Elena: Sape che???
Sister: Kau x knl!
Elena: Sape ma???
Mom: -says the name-
Sister: Ko tak kenal kan?
Elena: o___o
Sister: Tu la! Main computer je! Dengar radio je!
Elena: Eh! Dari computer ngan radio lah Ena tahu yg Michael Jackson meninggal.
Sister: >_>
Elena: Sape Nursyafiqah Sahira? Tak kenal kan!
Sister: Kawan kau!
Elena: =.=' Sape Nur Aliyaton? Tak kenal kan!
Sister: Kawan kau!
Elena: Salah! Ena pown tak kenal ;D
Sister: Bodo aa!
semua: xD

pastu kitorang kene gulung popiah...
and then we're freeeee~~~


Apakah kartun kegemaran aku bila aku 5-6 tahun?
(a) Teletubbies - Dijawab oleh Arifah Husna

tahniah! dn tahniah juga kepada...ZUREEN!

(b) Powerpuff Girls!!!

Apa lah korang -.-" Tu pown tokleh fikir.
Then whats the use of me MOJO JOJO-ing around?


Aku nk belah..bye!!!
Nanti spupu aku ngan ank buah ak nk dtg!!
(shoot...nnt bilek aku sepah -.-)


p/s- not giving another quiz now..
uhh, from now on i'll try making just ONE quiz per day.
kalau setiap hari aku buat lebeyh dr 1, habeslah makanan aku!
aku nk makan apa? LOL!

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